Was born On 442 Bc,He Was a Greek philosopher, who developed the atomic theory of the universe -
John Dalton
British chemist and physicist, who developed the atomic theory upon which modern physical science is founded. His most significant founding was that atoms were made out of different parts of mateer composing. -
J.J Thompson
J.J Thompson was the first person to discover the electron(Do not know exact date) -
Ernest Rutherford
He was a britsh physict known for is theory of the structure of an atom and was working with nculesar physics. (1909 - 1911, no exact date) -
Niels Bohr
Niel Bohr made significant conrtributions to the atomic structure and quantam mechaniccs.(no pacific date, through whole year) -
Alchemists sudied alchemy nad had a massive part in science from the 13th - 18th Century -
384 - 322 -Aristotle had provided us with knowledge of natural science including Physics,