Aristotle describes his idea of five elements of Matter. Aristotle believed that all matter was made up either of one of the elements of water air earth and fire or combinations of these four elements, with the exception of stars and planets which were made of aether -
Democritus developed the idea of an atom. -
Antoine Lavoisier
Lavoisier observes that heating mercuric oxide produces metallic mercury. -
John Dalton
He thus enunciated Gay-Lussac's law or J.A.C. Charles's law, published in 1802 came up with his own atomic theory. -
Marie & Pierre Curie
They established that the heavy element thorium was radioactive and discovered two new elements: polonium and radium. -
Henri Becquerel
Henri Becquerel researched the newly discovered X-rays it led to studies of how uranium salts are influenced by light. -
J.J. Thomson
He discovered the atom. -
Ernest Rutherford
He discovered alpha and beta rays -
Max Planck
Max Planck discovered the quantum physics/theory. -
Niels Bohr
Niels Bohr proposed a theory for the hydrogen atom based on quantumtheory that energy is transferred only in certain well defined quantities. -
Henry Moseley
Observed the properties of x-rays from about a dozen consecutive elements in the periodic table. In doing so, he discovered that the wavelength of the x-rays became shorter as the atomic weight increased. -
Robert Millikan
He discovered the charge and mass values or an electron. -
Werner Heisenberg
Discovered a way to formulate quantum mechanics in terms of matrices. -
Erwin Schrodinger
A powerful model of the atom was developed by Erwin Schrödinger. -
James Chadwick
James Chadwick used scattering data to calculate the mass of this neutral particle to discover the neutron.