His atomic theory said that all matter is made up by small idestructable units he called atoms. -
He believed that all matter was made up of the four elements, fire, air, water, and earth. -
Antonie Lavoisier
He found two elements that make up water. -
John Dalton
He said that elememts consisted of atoms that were identical and had the same mass. -
Henri Becquerel
While investigating flourecents in Uranium cells, he accidentally discovered radioactivity. -
J. J. Thomson
He identified the negativly charged electron in the cathode ray tube. This particle was later identified as the proton. -
Marrie anfd Pierre Curie
They studied uranium and thorium and called their decay process "radioactivity". Pierre also discovered the radioactive elements, radium and polonium. -
Max Planck
He formulated the equation describing the black body spectrum. Plancks spectrums suggested that energy was directly proportional to frequency -
Albert Einstien
He published the famous equation e=mc^2 -
Robert Millikan
He determined the unit charge of the electron with his oil drop experiement at the University of Chicago. The calculation of the mass of the eletron and the positivily charged atoms is
e= 1.60 x 10^-19. -
Ernest Rutherford
He proposed the nuclear atom as the result of the gold-foil experiment. In 1920 he proposed the existence of the third aromic patricle, the neutron. -
Niels Bohr
He assumed that the elcron exists at percise distances from the nucleous. -
Louis DeBrogile
He proposed that all particles have wave like properties and may summerize that the equation: lambda=h/mn. -
Erwin Schrodinger
He came up with the equation for quantum physics. He tried to see electron in packets that moved in waves. -
James Chadwick
He discovered the neutron. The discovery of the neutron led to the discovery of fission and the atomic bond.