Democritus theorized that everything is made of small, indivisible particles called "atomos." -
John Dalton
Dalton said three things,
1.) everything is made of atoms.
2.) atoms can't be broken dowm.
3.) atoms of each element are unique (different) -
Jj Thompson
Experimented with the cathode ray tube, naming electrons. (Plum pudding model) -
Earnest Rutherford
Said atoms are mostly empty with small, positive, dense nucleus'. Experimented with the gold foil experiment. -
Neils Bohr
Bohr organized electrons into energy levels with the Bohr model. -
Louis De Broglie
Broglie introduces the wave/particle duaity of matter. (1921) Suggested particles could behave as waves & waves could behave as particles. Their related by the equation,
Particles = momentum(p) wave = wavelength (w)