Atomic Models

  • 430 BCE


    Democritus named the building blocks of matter atomos, which literally means indivisible. He said that matter is composed was subdivided into indivisible and fixed particles that created the appearance of change when joining and separating of each other. His belief was partly correct, but later it was proved that they existed smaller particles inside the atom which are the neutrons, protons and electrons.
  • Dalton´s Atomic Model

    Dalton´s Atomic Model
    Dalton’s theory was based on the law of conservation of mass and the law of constant composition, the first part of his theory states that all matter is made of atoms, which are indivisible, second part says that all atoms of a given element are identical in mass and properties, the third part says that compound are combinations of two or more different types of atoms, and lastly the fourth part of the theory states that a chemical reaction is a rearrangement of atoms.
  • Dalton´s Atomic Model

    Dalton´s Atomic Model
    This atomic theory was called “billiard ball model”

    Dalton's atomic theory suggested that the atom was indivisible and indestructible. But the discovery of two fundamental particles (electrons and protons) inside the atom, led to the failure of this aspect of Daltons atomic theory.
  • Thomson Atomic Model

    Thomson Atomic Model
    The model Thompson proposed was known as plum pudding.

    Thompsons experiments showed that all atoms contain tiny negatively charged subatomic particles called electrons. The plum pudding model talked about that atoms had negatively charged electrons embedded within a positively charged “soup”.
  • Thomson Atomic Model

    Thomson Atomic Model
    This theory failed to explain how the positive charge holds on the electrons inside the atom. It also failed to explain the atom's stability. The theory did not mention anything about the nucleus of the atom.
  • Rutherford´s atomic model

    Rutherford´s atomic model
    this one is known as the "nuclear model of atom". He postulated that there was a nucleus where most of the mass is founded and that there are also the electrons that orbit around the nucleus at some distance. This model substitute the one proposed "plum pudding model" proposed by Thomson years before.
  • Rutherford´s ato

    Rutherford´s ato
    Even though this is shown in a lot of movies and shows like jimmy neutron, this one is not correct. The problem with this atomic model, and what Rutherford couldn´t explain was why the electrons with negative charged remain in orbit when they should instantly fall into the positively charged nucleus.
  • Bohr´s Atomic Model

    Bohr´s Atomic Model
    Is the description of the structure of atoms, especially that of hydrogen, proposed in 1913 by the Danish physicist Niels Bohr. Is a radical departure from earlier, classical descriptions, was the first that incorporated quantum theory and was the predecessor of wholly quantum-mechanical models.
  • Bohr´s Atomic Model

    Bohr´s Atomic Model
    Bohr amended that view of the motion of the planetary electrons to bring the model in line with the regular patterns (spectral series) of light emitted by real hydrogen atoms. But this one was incorrect because later it was discovered that the electrons don´t orbit like that around the nucleus.
  • Shrodinger

    The Schrödinger's atomic model was developed by Erwin Schrödinger in 1926. This proposal is known as the quantum mechanical model of the atom and describes the wave behavior of the electron.
    For this, the outstanding Austrian physicist was based on the hypothesis of Broglie, who stated that each particle in motion is associated with a wave and can behave as such.
  • schrodinger atomic model

    schrodinger atomic model
    This is the last atomic model presented, and it is considered to be the correct one.