460 BCE
Democritus is a greek philosopher who created the first atmoic model between 460 B.C.E to 370 B.C.E. He lived in Abdera, Greece and born in 460 B.C.E. He theorize that all matters are atoms, they're indestructible, and invisible. He got the name atoms which means "cannot be divided". He decided to experiment what everything is made of by taking a seashell, and kept breaking it until it was small and could not be broken. He also made contributions to math and science. -
Jonh Dalton
Jonh Dalton discovered his atomic theory in 1803. He was born on September 6, 1766 in Eaglesfield, Cumbria, United Kingdom. He theorized that elements consisted of tiny particles called atoms, said elements are pure since all atoms of an element are identical. Atom has its own different weight, creating a ratio between elements. All substances are made of atoms. They can join to make new substances. When John Dalton died, 40,000 people attended his funeral procession. -
J.J Thomson's Model
Thomson created his atomic model in 1897. He was born on December 18, 1856 at Cheetham Hill, Manchester, United Kingdom. He discovered that electron were in the atom. He showed that cathode rays were negatively charged. The experiment Thomson did was called the Plum Pudding model. In 1876 he entered Trinity College, where he received his B.A in mathematics in 1880. -
Ernest Rutherford
Ernest Rutherford created his atomic model in 1911. He was born in August 30, 1871 in Brightwater, New Zealand. He discovered that atoms have a nucleus, proton inside and electron outside. It also mostly contains empty space. He did an experiment called the Gold Foil experiment that proved nucleus is placed inside of the atoms. Rutherford got the opportunity to become a physics professor at McGill University. -
Niels Bohr
Niels Bohr created his atomic theory in 1913.He was born on October 7, 1885 in Copenhagen, Denmark. Bohr theorized that electrions moved in orbits around nucleus and, they can jump levels. He did an experiment called the quantum theory. Bohr won a gold medal from the Royal Danish Academy. -
Electron Cloud Model
The Electron Cloud Model was created by Erwin Schrondinger and Werner Heisenberg in 1926. Erwin Schrondinger was born on August 12, 1887 in Vienna, Australia. Werner Heisenberg was born on December 5, 1901 in Wurzburg, Germany. They discovered nucleus are with neutrons and protons. They move in space around nucleus but at any given time. In 1920 Werner Heisenberg Went into the University of Munich to study physics. Erwin was awarded the novel prize for physics in 1933.