Dalton´s Atomic Theory
The founder of this atomic model was Dalton in 1803, he explained that the elements are composed of indivisible tiny particles called Atom, the Atoms cannot be created, destroyed into other elements. -
Thomson Atomic Model
The founder of this atomic model was Joseph John Thomson in 1897, he said that the atom must be a positively charged sphere of matter, inside which electrons were embedded, this is the model informally that is called "raisin pudding" -
Rutherford Atomic Model
The founder of this atomic model was Ernest Rutherford in 1911, also called nuclear atom or planetary model of atom, he described, that the atom as a tiny,dense,positively charged core called a nucleus in which nearly all the mass is concentrated -
Bohr Model of Atom
The founder of this Model of Atom was Niels Henrik David Bohr in 1913, he said the description of the structure of the atoms, he said that the electrons orbit the nucleus in orbits that have a set size and energy and the radiation is absorbed or emitted when a electron moves from one orbit to another. -
Arnold Sommerfeld Atomic Theory
He perfected the Bohr´s Atomic Model in 1916, He added two modifications in Bohr's Atomic model, this modifications are that the relativistic speed and elliptical orbits for electrons, he defined two quantum variables, main quantum "n" and secondary quantum "1" -
Development of the Atomic Theory
He combined the equations for the behavior of waves with the de Broglie equation to generate a mathematical model for the distribution of electrons in an atom, used mathematical equations to describe the likelihood of finding an electron in a certain position -
Daric Jordan Atomic Model
He created the famous Dirac Equation in 1928 which described the relativistic motion of the wave function of the electron and inadvertently predicted the existence of antimatter -
Chadwick Atomic Theory
The founder of this Atomic Model was James Chadwick in 1932 Chadwick discovered a new particle of the atom, this new particle is the neutron,that constitutes the nucleus, the neutrons help to reduce between protons