atomic model timeline

By volzpa
  • 500 BCE


    They thought that they could turn metal in to gold.
  • 442 BCE


    Everything is composed of atoms that are physically but not geometrically visible. And that there are infinite atoms but different atoms had different sizes.
  • 430


    He is best known as a disciple of Socrates and careers on the atomic theory. He wrote the theory on how the atoms change shapes mathematically. And the fire air water and earth
  • Robert Boyle

    Robert Boyle
    First modern chemist and first modern chemist expertiol person also he was very good with preasure and voulume of gas he helped and devolped a defination of the element and he figured out that if you can break an sustbance in more than 2 parts it is not a true element
  • John Dalton

    John Dalton
    John was an English chemist physics' and materialist. majority of his research was into color blindness. He also studied the law of gasses and stem. He came up with that all particles in the universe all make mater.
  • Demitri Mendeleev

    Demitri Mendeleev
    Best know for creating the periodic law and created far sighted vision of the periodic table of elements he said to correct them you must test them vigorously.
  • The Curies

    The Curies
    The name of radioactivity is in honor of cruio. there are 3 radioactive elements named after her. Her discovery's have been monumental to finding different fascists' of radio activity.
  • JJ Thomson

    JJ Thomson
    He made the first discovery of the electron and to find the first substmatic particle to be found. was awarded on the physics on the electricity through gases. Is a single electron used in part by the physics. Electrons are negatively charged particles and atoms have not net electric charge.
  • Ernest Rutherford

    Ernest Rutherford
    He became the name holder of the father of nuclear physics he discovered alfa and beta rays set the laws of radioactive decay. Most important he discovered the nuclear structure of the atom and is most famous for the gold foil experiment.
  • Henery G,j Mosley

    Henery G,j Mosley
    He was know for studding and working with radioactivity source of radium he invented the first atomic battery he also looked over and learned about the xray.
  • Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein
    Mass energy equivalence he is most know for
    also for his photolytic effect a very large part on the discovery effect on the quantum theory.
  • Robert Millikan

    Robert Millikan
    He was an American experimental physicists he was honor for measurement of elementary charge for his work on the photo electric effect.
  • Neils Bohr

    Neils Bohr
    He contributed to the quantum theory small positively charged nucleus surrounded by orbiting electrons. He came up with at solar system model of an atom he was the first to realize that all atoms travel in orbit around the nucleolus
  • Werner Heisenburg

    Werner Heisenburg
    One of the pioneers for quantum mechanics Werner heisenbug created the electron cloud model it helped showed the most probable position of the electron and the atom.