428 BCE
The first person to develop concept of an atom. He was influenced by Socrates and taught Aristotle. -
400 BCE
Made the theory that all material bodies are made up of individually small atoms. He wrote over 70 treatises. -
The Alchemists
They Believed that there were 7 base elements. They guarded their work in secrecy. -
Robert Boyle
He demonstrated matter is made of tiny particles. He helped found the Royal society in England. -
Solar System Model
Illustrate relative positions and motions of planets, and moons in the solar system. -
Antone Lavoisier
He named the elements of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Also, he discovered oxygen's role in combustion. He helped us understand the law of conservation of mass. -
Billiard Ball Model
Also known as the atomic model, which is a representation of the atom, like describing structure of the atom. -
John Dalton
He proposed that all matter is made of indestructible unchangeable atoms. He calculated the first relative weight of atom. -
Amedeo Avogadro
He proposed that atoms of elemental gases may be joined together in molecules rather than being separate. He also discovered equal volumes of gasses contain equal number of molecules. -
Dimitri Mendeleev
He made the periodic table. He also predicted the elements of scandium, gallium, germanium. -
JJ Thompson
He discovered the electron. In 1906, he won the Nobel prize for physics. -
Pierre and Marie Curie
They researched into radioactivity. Discovering radium and plutonium. A unit of radioactivity is called a curie. -
Plum Pudding Model
A Historical, Scientific model of a atom. -
Albert Einstein
He proved the existence of atoms mathematically. He couldn't speak until he was 4 years old. -
Robert Millikan
He made an accurate determination of the charge carried by an electron. He had a Nobel prize in physics in 1923. -
Ernest Rutherford
He proved that all the positive charge in the atomic nucleus was contained in a volume 1/100,000 the size of an atom. The atom Rutherfordium 104 was named after him. -
Neils Bohr
He proposed a model of an atom in which electrons resolve in stable orbits around the nucleus. -
Henry G. J. Mosely
He redefined the idea of atomic numbers rearranged periodic table based on it. Determining charges on nucleus of most atoms. He also created the concept of the atomic number. -
Erwin Schrodinger
He proposed Quantum Mechanical Model. That treats electrons as matter waves. -
Electron Cloud Model
Model of an atom that shows the most probable positions of electrons. -
James Chadwich
He discovered the neutron. His father was a cotton spinner, and he is the youngest of 3.