Atomic Model Timeline

  • 440

    BC Greeks

    BC Greeks
    Leuciprus of Miletus writes "The Greater World System". Leuciprus proposed that all matter can be split into smaller pieces indefinetely. Democritrus expands on "The Greater World System" and writes his own book about the properties of matter. The points that Democitrus made were..
    -All matter is composed of atoms.
    -There is empty space between atoms.
    -Atoms are completely solid.
    -Atoms have no internal structure.
    -Atoms are different in shapes and size.
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton
    Isaac Newton studied the atom's and the possibility of them existing. He proposed a mechanical universe where small solder masses were always in motion.
  • Dalton Atmoic Theory

    Dalton Atmoic Theory
    John Dalton came up with the following theories that revolutionzed modern science about atoms.
    -All matter is made of atoms.
    -All atoms are invisible and indestructable.
    -All atoms of the same element are identical in mass and other properties.
    -Compounds are made of different kind of atoms.
    -Chemical reaction is the rearrangement of atoms.
  • Gustav Kirchoff

    Gustav Kirchoff
    Gustav Kirchoff worked with Robert Bunsen to prove that heated elements emit spcific wavelengths of light. Gustav Kirchoff also discovered that electrons move at the speed of light when moving through a circuit.
  • James Maxwell

    James Maxwell
    James Maxwell combined the sciences of electricity, magnetism to create electromagnetism. Maxwell also developed the "Maxwell - Boltzman Distribution which determined the speed of gas molecules at different tempuratures.
  • Heinrich Hertz

    Heinrich Hertz
    Heinrich Hertz demonstrated maxwells theories of waves were correct. Hertz found that electromagnetic waves go the speed of light.
  • Thomson Atomic Model

    Thomson Atomic Model
    Joseph Thomson proposed an atomic model where negatively charged electrons are embedded in positively charged spheres. This is known as the Plum Pudding Model.
  • Albert Einstien

    Albert Einstien
    Albert Einstein mathematically proved the existance of atoms by observing the Brownian motion of atoms in liquid form. This discovery also proved that heat is generated from atoms moving.
  • Rutherford

    Rutherford preformed the famous "Rutherford Experement" that shoots electrons through a gold foil, and electrons deflect in different directions when they go through the foil. Rutherford determined that electrons orbit the center of the atom called the nucleus.
  • Bohr Atomic Theory

    Bohr Atomic Theory
    Niels Bohr proposed that electrons have specific orbits around the nucleus, where 2 electrons are in the first orbit, and 8 electrons are in the rest of the oribts. He also proposed that light is emmitted when electrons jump down one from the other.