Democritus believed that all matter was made up of atoms and they could not be divided. He thought that the liquid atoms looked smooth and round, but the solid atoms were round and prickly. -
John Dalton
Dalton's theory was that all matter was made up of atoms and could not be divided. His atom model consisted of three different wooded spheres that represented each type of atom. Each sphere had a different mass. -
J.J. Thomson
In Thomson's experiment he used a sealed glass tube and sent an electrical current through the tube. What littler air was still in the tube started to glow. He then hypothesized that the particles came from inside the atoms. Thomson's theroy proved that atoms are made up of even smaller particles. -
Hantaro Nagaoka
His planetary model was early model but not accurate. His model did not created properly. He said the rings were held there due to a massive orbit. His model was wrong but it still helped the discovery of atom rings. -
Ernest Ruthford
Ruthford used a gold foil experiment where he aimed a beam of alpha particles at the gold. The alpha beam would produce a light and Ruthford knew the path of the alpha particle as it passed through the gold. This experiment discovered th nucleus of an atom and according to his model all of an atoms positive charges are in its nucleus. -
Neils Bohr
In Bohr's model electrons move with a constant speed in a fixed orbit around the nucleus. Each electron in a atom has a specific amount of energy. If an atom gains or loses energy the energy in a electron can change. -
Werner Heisenberg & Erwin Schrodinger
The electron cloud is a visual model of the most likely locations of electrons in an atom. The cloud is denser at those locations where the probability of finding an elctron is high. They came up with the mathmatical equation to describe the motion of the electrons. -
James Chadwick
He confirmed the existence of nuetrons which have no charge. He came up with the proof that the atomic nuclei contain nuetrons and positively charged protons.