Dalton Model
John Dalton published his "New System of Chemical Philosphy." In it he explined that every element is made of atoms and that each element has atoms of different mass. -
Thomson Model
J. J. Thomson was a British scientist who thought of a new model. He said that an atom is a positively-charged ball with electrons within it. His model looked like a muffin with berries in it. -
Nagaoka Model
Hantaro Nagaoka was a Japanese physicist that proposed a new model of an atom. His model was a large sphere in the middle with a posotive charge. The electrons were revolving around the sphere like the solar system. -
Rutherford Model
Ernest Rutherford was a British physicist who believed an atom to be mostly an empty space. Electrons go around randomly around a small positively charged nucteus. -
Bohr Model
Niels Bohr was a Danish physicist that said that the electrons in an atom wernt randomly located around a nucleus but moving in specific layers. He stated that electons absorbe or give off energy when they move from one shell to another. -
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Modern model
The current model of the atom was formed with the help of many scientists from the 1920s to today. The current model show the electrons forming a negatively charged cloud around the nucleus. It is impossible to detemine where an electron is at a given time.