atomic model

  • 500 BCE

    the alchemists

    the alchemists
    founder of basic elements
    "introduce the idea that chemical substances are through the combinations of these elements"
    discovered the theory that all metals contain mercury and surfer
  • 400 BCE


    was the man that stated that everything is composed of atoms and he was the guy that stated that everything was made of matter
  • 400 BCE


    the man that stated that is composed of 4 elements (air earth water matter)
    he introduced the theory that atoms are building blocks thought they were tiny uncuttable solid participial
  • Lavoisier

    know for knowing the mass in chemical reaction
  • couloumb

    made the advancement of understanding how the charges of electrons work and intact.
  • John dalton

    John dalton
    was the man that atoms to the naked eye are invisible and are indestructible building blocks
    he also stated that different things/objects have different types of atoms
  • JJ Thomson

    JJ Thomson
    he discovered that all atoms contain tiny negatively charged subatomic particulars or electrons
    founder of plum pudding
  • the curies

    the curies
    found that radioactivity has a penetrating trait that can be found in uranium materials that the rays can penetrate an atom
  • max plancker

    max plancker
    founder of the quantum theory. states that energy can be emitted or absorbed only in small units called quanta
  • albert einstein

    albert einstein
    he was the man who made up the view of the matter in the atomic moddel
  • robert millikan

    robert millikan
    measured how much of a charge a single atom had by measuring the amount of charged water droplets in a electrical field but he had to switch to oil because water wasn't good enough
  • ernest rutherford

    ernest rutherford
    he was the man that put out the nuclear model
    he did it through though gold foil
  • neils bohr

    neils bohr
    proposed hydrogen atom theory using the quantum theory
    also energy can only move in certain confined space