Democritus believed that all matter considered of extremely small particles. He talked people into believing him. -
Aristotle thought all substances were built u from four elements- earth, wind, water, and fire -
John Dalton
John Dalton pictured atoms as little indestructible particles with no internal structure. His explanation was wooden spheres to represent the atoms of different atoms. -
Niels Bohr
This man suggested that electrons travel around the nucleus in definite paths. He also stated that electrons cannot travel in between each path, however they can jump from one path to another.Bohr had adapted Rutherford's nuclear structure Bohr also introduced the idea that an electron could drop from a higher energy orbit to a lower one. -
Joseph Thomson
J.J. Thomson pictured electrons embedded in a sphere in a sphere of positive charged center of an atom, in which negative charges orbit. Some refer to his model as "chocolate chip" because negative charges (chips) and positive charges (chips) are evenly balanced -
Max Planck
He originated the quantum theory. -
Hantaro Nagoaka
He believed atoms looked like the planet Saturn. His model is called the saturnian model because a very massive nucleus ( very massive planet ) and electrons revolving around the nucleus (referring to Saturn's rings). -
Ernest Rutherford
Ernest pictured all the positive charges in an atomic nucleus was combined in a volume 1/100,000 the size of the atom.
His experiment was supposed to model alpha particles off the nucleus using the gold foil experiment. -
Albert Einstein
Said that light was made up of different particles that, in addition to wavelike behavior, demonstrate certain properties unique to particles. -
Erwin Schrödinger
His work leads to the elctric cloud model. He developes a mathematical equation to describe movement in particles. -
Ernest Marsden
Helped Ernest Rutherford with his gold foil experiment. -
James Chadwick
Confirms Neutrons have no charge.Atomic nuclear cpmtaoms neutrons and positive charge proportions. He used a baryll wam combined with alpha particles. -
Louis de Brogile
Proposes that moving particles like electrons have some properties of waves. This theory set the basis of wave mechanics.