Greek pre-Socratic philospher primiarily remembered for his formulation of the atom theory of the universe.
1. All mateer consists of invisible particles called atoms
2.atoms are indestructible
3. atoms are solid but invisible
4.atoms differ in size, shapes, mass, position and arrangement
5.atoms are homogenoussolids are made of small, pointly atoms
liquids are made of large, round atoms
olis are made of very tine, small atoms that can easily slip past each other -
Antione Lavoisier
French nobleman and chemist central to the 18th-century Chemical Revolution and a large influenve on both the histoires of chemistry and biology. He started "I m young and avid for glory". He demonstarted that air is composed of two parts. One of which combinesn with metals to form calxes. However, he tried to take credit for Priestley's discovery. -
Joseph Louis Proust
French Chemist. Best kown for his dicovery of the law of canstant composition in 1799, sating that in chemical reatcions matter is neither created nor destroyed, Proved that the relative quantities of any given pure chemical compoun's constituent elements remain invariant. -
Michael Farady
Was and english scientist who contributed to teh fields of electromagnetism and electrochemistry. His main discoveries included those of electromagnetic induction, diamagnetism and electrolysis. -
Henri Bacquerel
French phyisicist, dicoverer of radioactivity along with Marie Sklodowska-Curie and Pierre Curie. Won the Nobel Prize in 1903. -
J.J. Thomson
Began studying cathode raysm whihc are glowing beams of light that follow an electric discharge in a high-vacum tube. When he did this he was able to measure the angle at which they were deflectd and calucate the ratio of the electric charge to the mass of the particles. -
Max Planck
Won Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918. He studied at the Univeraities of Munich and Berlin.
He originated quatum theory. -
Robert Milikan
Was an American experimatnal physicist. WOn the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1923 for his measurement of the elementary electronic charge and for his work on photoelectric effect. Made numerous momentous discoveries cheirfly in the fields of electricity optics and molecular physics. -
Erntest Rutherford
1st Baron Rutherford of Nelson, OM FRS was a new Zealand-born british physicit. Became best known as the Father of Nuclear Physics. First research were concerned with the magnetic properties of iron exposed to high-frequency oscillations, and his theis was entitled Magnetization of Iron by High-Frequency oscillations. -
Otto Hahn
Greman chemist and pioneer in the feilds of radioactivity and radiochemistry whowon Nobel Prize in 1944 for his discovery of nuclear fission. -
Niel's Bohr
Danish physicist who made foundational contributions to understanding atomic structure and quantum theory. He wont the Nobel Pirxe in Phyics in 1922, for his services in the ivestigation of the structure of atoms and of the radiation emanation from them. -
Erwin Schrodinger
Was a nobel prize winning Auatrian physicist who deveoped a number of fundamental bequeathed to scientific posterity the foundations of the studys of wave mechanics, crecial to understanding the behavior of subatomic particles and light. An other name for it would be Schrodinger's Cat. -
James Chadwhich
English Physicist who was awarded the 1935 Nobel Prize in Physics for his dicovery of the neautron in 1932. Could show the reaction againast alfa particlers against beryllium. -
Marrie And Peirre Curie
Best Known for their pioneering work in the study of radioactivity, which let to ehir discovery of the elements radiom and polonium. Marie started as off as a teacher then moved to Paris to work with her sister. Peirre had already distinguished himself in the study of the properties of crystals. -
Glen T Seaborg
American scientist whose involvement in the synthesis, discovery and investigation of ten transuranium elements. Won the Nobel Prise in Chemistry in 1951. Served as chairman of the U.S. Atomic Engery Commission. He identified elecment 93, neptunium. Among the fission products of uranium, which was bombarded with neautrons prodeced from deautrons using the small cycltron at Berkeley. -
Was a Greek philosopher and scientist. Worked togetehr with Socrtes and Plato. Laid much of the ground work in western philosophy.