Atomic History

  • Period: 460 BCE to 379 BCE

    Democritus' Life

    Democritus was the first to say that atoms existed, they they are physically distinguishable, and they are always moving. It was a fairly basic idea in terms of where we are now, but it acted as the basis of atomic theory. His ideas positively changed the world because it open the doors to atomic chemistry.
  • Dalton Proposes His Atomic Theory

    Dalton proposed that everything is made of atoms, and like Democritus, said that they were indivisible. His ideas changed how people though of reactions. His theories about reactions provided chemists a new lens to study them through.
  • Thomson Discovers the Electron

    Thomson discovered the electron in a series of experiments. The idea that an atom has smaller components was revolutionary and explained many chemical reactions. This idea is still used now to explain different reactions and interactions between atoms.
  • Einstein Develops the Theory of Realativity

    Einstein's theory of relativity states that matter and energy are interchangeable. This goes against the old notion that matter can be neither created nor destroyed. This conversion of mass into energy is what opened the door to nuclear weapons.
  • Rutherford Discovers Properties of Radioactive Deacy

    Rutherford discovered that the nuclei of atoms can carry a charge too and this can change. The idea brought about the theory of radioactive decay. It was very helpful because it allowed people to be aware of the potentially harmful nature of certain things.
  • Chadwick Discovers the Neutron

    Before Chadwick's discovered the nucleus was just seen as the positively charged part of a atom, but after it became more complex. This knowledge is very beneficial because it has paved the way for obtaining nuclear energy.
  • Szilard Hypothisises that a Chain Reaction Could Cause a Atomic Explosion

    Before Szilard's ideas the atom was not something that was thought of as a weapon, yet his idea and persistence changed the world. Now we have the ability to ruin the lives of millions, so I would say the discovery was extremely harmful.
  • Fermi Discovers Nuclear Transformation is Possible in Almost Every Atom

    Fermi's discovery was revolutionary because before some atoms were though of as not being able to undergo nuclear transformations. This was a good discovery because it lead to the discovery of fission and nuclear energy.
  • Meitner and Strassmann Explore Fission in Uranium

    Their studies allowed for people to understand the product and possibility of radioactive decay. This discovery was good in terms of nuclear energy, but it also was directly linked to the creation of the atomic bomb.
  • Seaborg Discovers Many Transuranium Elements

    Atoms of this size were not thought real before this discovery. Plutonium, on of Seaborg's most notable finds, is used in space rovers and probes; therefor the discovery was very useful.
  • The Site at Handford, Washington is Founded

    This was one of the first steps to weaponize the atom. The site was used to produce plutonium for the atomic bomb. The creation of the site was a bad thing because it was for the sole purpose of creating atomic weapons.