Atom Timeline

  • 460 BCE

    Democritus was born

    Democritus was born
  • 400 BCE

    Democritus discovery

    Democritus discovered that everything in the universe was made of atoms, which are indestructible.
  • 370 BCE

    Democritus dies at the age of 90

  • 289 BCE

    Ptolemey Builds first light house

    Ptolemey Builds first light house
    He built it on a small island on the main opening of the Nile River.
  • John Dalton is born

    John Dalton is born
  • United States signs the constitution

  • Michael Faraday is born

    Michael Faraday is born
  • John Dalton proposes the "marble model" and makes his contributing discovery

    John Dalton proposes the "marble model" and makes his contributing discovery
    John Dalton introduced the atomic theory into chemistry. He stated that atoms are indivisible and indestructible, all atoms in any element are identical, and that atoms have different weights and chemical properties.
  • Michael Faraday makes his discovery

    Michael Faraday makes his discovery
    Faraday discovers electromagnetic induction and begins to describe it.
  • John Dalton dies at the age of 78

  • The California gold rush goes wild

  • Eugen Goldstein is born

    Eugen Goldstein is born
  • JJ Thomson is born

    JJ Thomson is born
  • The Civil War begins in the United States

  • Michael Faraday dies at the age of 76

  • Robert Millikan is born

    Robert Millikan is born
  • Ernest Rutherford is born

    Ernest Rutherford is born
  • Construction begins on the Panama Canal

  • Neils Bohr is born

    Neils Bohr is born
  • Eugen Goldstein discovers protons

    Eugen Goldstein discovers protons
    Eugen Goldstein discovers the presence of protons in atoms and that they each carry a charge.
  • Erwin Schroedinger is born

  • James Chadwick is born

    James Chadwick is born
  • JJ Thomson discovers the electron

    JJ Thomson discovers the electron
    JJ Thomson discovered the electron. He made a model now called the "plum pudding" model which shows the structure of an atom with both negatively and positively charged pieces. There are also negatively charged electrons that were small compared to the whole atom.
  • Marconi sends first wireless transmission

    It travels over 2000 miles across the Atlantic from England to Canada.
  • Werner Heisenberg is born

    Werner Heisenberg is born
  • Robert Millikan discovers charges in electrons

    Robert Millikan discovers charges in electrons
    Millikan proved the existence of the charge within an electron, and was able to determine the approximate sizes of electrons.
  • Ernest Rutherford makes his discovery

    Ernest Rutherford makes his discovery
    He discovered that atoms have a small charged nucleus which is surrounded by largely empty space, and that the nucleus is circled by tiny electrons. The electrons orbit in set paths which is shown in his now called "Jimmy neutron" model.
  • Neils Bohr makes his discovery

    Neils Bohr makes his discovery
    He proposed a theory for hydrogen atom that energy is transferred only in certain well defined quantities. Electrons should move around the nucleus but only in set orbits. When they jump to and from other orbits with lower energy, a light quantum can be created. This becomes known as the "solar system" model.
  • Women gained the right to vote in America

  • Werner Heisenberg makes his discovery

    Werner Heisenberg makes his discovery
    Heisenberg discovered that the position of a particle and the momentum of said particle cannot both be known exactly.
  • Erwin Schroedinger makes his discovery

    Erwin Schroedinger makes his discovery
    Schroedinger discovered a model of a dense nucleus surrounded by a cloud of electrons at different levels during their orbits. This became known as the "electron cloud" model.
  • Eugen Goldstein dies at the age of 80

  • James Chadwick discovers the neutron

    James Chadwick discovers the neutron
    Chadwick discovered the neutron inside of atoms. They don't have a charge to the neutron, but do add to the atomic weight similarly to how protons do.
  • The Hindenburg disaster occurs

  • JJ Thomson dies at the age of 76

  • Rock and roll begins

  • Robert Millikan dies

  • Erwin Schroedinger dies

  • Neils Bohr dies

  • James Chadwick dies

  • Werner Heisenberg dies