said to believe that everyhting is made out of atoms, and the smaller tha atom the hevier it is -
Aristotle believed in the four elements of earth, wind, water, and fire. He also believed that a portion of matter could be cut in half infinitely many times. (364 B.C.) -
A disease that left many people dead on the street -
Oct 6, 1000
same for this as the others -
Oct 6, 1000
copy and paste -
Oct 6, 1001
copy and paste thank you very much -
Oct 6, 1002
super creepy -
Antoin lavasior
stated the law of conservation which means no atoms are destroyed or created -
Joseph Proust
He was best known for his discovery of the law of constant composition in 1799 -
John Dalton
everything is made of atoms all atoms are identical in size mass and chemical properties atoms cannot be destroyed -
Amadeo Avagadro
equal number of gases has the same number of atoms, and gas can divide during a chemical reaction -
Henri Becquerel
help create X-Ray -
William Crookes
discovered the electrons by doing scientific stuff -
first car
this is the first thing that made travel easy -
madame curie
could take radium out of radioactivity -
Henry Mosely
said that the atomic number was created by which helped out in the periodic table -
Ernst Rutherford
he thought of the molecular structure of the atom -
Albert Einstien
atoms are always in motion and worked with the manhattan project -
Max Planck
stated the ways of quantum mechanics that Einstein later used -
Robert Millikan
discovered the mass of an electron -
Erwin Schrodinger
stated that you can tell the electron waves by counting them -
Niels Bohr
helped with the atomic numbers -
Werner Heisenber
believed that all electrons that contain photons will then change the momentum and physics -
Tele Vision
this is the first thing that made you officaly a couch potato -
Louis de Broglie
discovered wave mechanics -
James Chadwick
discovered the neutron -
A huge war where most countries got into fight for the world!!!!!!!!! -
manhaten project
where group of scientist devlop wepons to win the war -
Thi is where people get together and look at stuff in space and go oh and ah -
first olympics
this is the first time people paid money to watch other nations athletes do sports how much fun -
J.J Thomson
discovered electrons in 1897 and then made a model with electrons and neutrons -
man on the moon
this is today the fisrt man steped on the moon -
9/11 is when some terrorist ariplanes ran in to the twin towers -
death of bin laden
this is when an american s.w.a.t team killed bin laden -
wright brothers airplane
the wright brothers created the first airplane which switched up everything -
copy and paste please