he discovered that the atom was uncuttable. he found it by basing his theory on observations and natural curiosity, "experiment". he believed the atom was it smallest particle of matter.
(ignore the date, his approximate date of his discovery was 465 b.c.) -
he discovered that the atom was elements consisted of tinyy particles. he used meteoroligical observations to discover this atom. he thought that the atom was shaped like a sphere
(this happened in 1808) -
he discovered that the atom composed of electrons, surrounded by a soup of positively charcge to balance the electrons. the way he discovered this atom because he experimented with a crookes,or cathode raytube. he thought that the atom is composed of electrons, surrounded by a soup of positively charges to balance the electrons
(all this happend in the year 1897) -
rutherford discovered that the atom consisted of subtomic particles called protons and electrons. he worked out the basic idea an atom with a charged center. he thought an atom had mostly empty space, with electrons orbiting a fixed ositively charged nucleus in set predictable paths
(this happened in 1911) -
he discovered that the electrons assumed only certain orbits around the nucleus. these orbits are stable and called stationary orbits. to discover this atom he proposed that electrons are restricted to certain fixed orbits. he thought the atoms electrons were restricted to certain fixed orbits
(this happened in 1913 -
heinsenberg and schrodinger
they discovered that the particle and fields indulate and jump between all possible values consistant with the quantumuncerainty. they formed a model as interacting waves. t