
  • Period: 460 to 370


    Atoms are in uniform, solid, hard, incompressible, indestructible, and they moved in infinite numbers through empty stance until stopped
  • John Dalton

    All matter is comprised of indivisible and indestructible atoms with distinct masses and properties. He also inferred that gases must consist of tiny moving particles.
  • Antoine Lavoisier

    Water is not an element, but is a compound of oxygen and inflammable air
  • Period: to

    Max Planck

    Originated the quantum theory, deduced the relationship between the nervy and frequency of radiation.
  • Marie Curie

    Radioactivity doesn’t depend on how atoms are arranged, but instead it originates within the atoms themselves
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    Robert Millikan

    Proved all electrons have a constant quantity, demonstrating the atomic structure of electricity. Discovered an accurate determination of the charge carried by an electron.
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    Ernest Rutherford

    Atoms contain a positively charged nucleus much smaller than the actual atom
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    Erwin schrodinger

    made a wave equation that accurately calculated the energy levels of electrons in atoms. He also used math to find out where electrons were and how frequently they appeared.
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    James Chadwick

    Proved the existence of neutrons. Also Interpreted radiation as being made of particles of mass equal to that of the proton but without electrical charge.
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    Louis De Brogile

    Introduced the idea of particles such as electrons, being described as waves.
  • J.J Thompson

    All matter contains particles of the same kind
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    Werner Heisenberg

    Formulated a type of quantum mechanics based on matrices
  • Albert Einstein

    Mathematically proved the existence of atoms, helping revolutionize all sciences through statistics and probability.
  • Niels Bohr

    Proposed that some physical quantities only take discrete values, but only in perscribed orbits. He also concluded that the nucleus of an atom is similar to a drop of water.