Democtus was a grek philosopher who was the first to start to believe that space and time were all made out of tiny indestructible unitscalled atoms. He didn't perform any tests and barely had any evidence that the atom existed. The atoms of Democtus's theory remain unchangedbut move around in space to make many different forms and shapes. The early atomic theory staed that objects are determind by the shape of it's atom. -
John Dalton
John Dalton determind that each chemical element is made of a unique type of atoms. The atoms would differ by their masses. He made a system of chemical symbols and he had made a table. He determind that compounds are made of molecules and that molecules are made of atoms. -
JJ Thomson
JJ Thomson dicovered that the atom can be cut. He found ths out while studing rays traveling between charged metal plates in a vaccum plate. He disovered that the rays were consisted of negatively charged particles. He just discovered eletrons. Since electrons are so small, he believed that they would only be inside of one atom. -
Ernest Ruterford
Rutherford conducted an experiment to sudy the parts of the atom. His experiment suggested that the atom has a nucleus.He later found that the nucleus is made up of smaller than particles. The positively charged paticals are called protons. -
Nies Bohr
Neil Bohr made an observation that ledto a n theory, whch was that electrons in the atom behaved. Bohr ageed that an atom has a positive nucleus surrounded by electrons. Bohr's model helped scientists predict the chemical properties elements. -
James Chadwick
James Chadwick was the student of Ernes Rutherford. He invented the neutron.