May 6, 1492
Columbus claims Haiti for Spain
Jul 3, 1542
Diseases riddle Haiti
Within 50 years of Columbus landing, the native population had virtually been destroyed. -
Spain gives a third of Haiti to the Frence
French imported half a million slaves to work fields, becomes the most valuable colony in the Caribbean -
St. Domingue slaves rise in rebellion: Successful
First successful slave overthrow. Lead by Toussaint Louverture. -
Dessalines declares independance for Haiti
France recognizes Haiti as own nation for large payment.
United States recognize Haiti after slave states seceded
US marines invade Haiti
Period: to
US investment in Haiti triples
Marines leave Haiti
Francois Duvalier elected President
Duvalier declares himself President for life
Duvalier dies. Passes presidency to son
African swine fever kills some Haitian pigs
The fever leads the US agents to kill the entire Haitian pig population -
anti communism becomes focus of US policy
Regan becomes President -
Anti government protests sweep through Haiti
Duvalier gets flown to France on exile
US Air Force flies him and his Family to France -
Soldiers massacre voters
trucks of soldiers and Tontons Macoutes go from polling station to the next, spraying them with machine gun fire -
Aristide's church blasted with machine guns
Aristide was a parish priest in Haiti. 13 killed and 80 wounded. Church was burned to the ground. -
Elections held-landslide win for Lavalas
government staged coup d'etat. Aristide flown to exile
Marc Bazin installed as prime minister
Clinton Administration arrives
Aristide and General sign an accord
President Aristide convenes conference
addresses refugee crisis -
Aristide returns
US interveins to get Aristide back