• Period: 1526 BCE to 1532 BCE

    Civil war

    Between 1526 CE and 1532 CE the inca leaders(and brothers) had a civil war. This was because Huáscar felt he was the rightful heir to the throne as he was the legitimate son. Atahualpa won this war and became emperor even tho illegitimate.
  • 1502 BCE

    Atahualpa's birth

    Atahualpa's birth
    Atahualpa was Born on c. 1502, in Cajamarca, Peru. He was born to Huayna Capac(Father) and Paccha Duchicela, the emporor and his wife.
  • 1490 BCE


    Atahualpa has seven siblings one sister and six brothers, the eldest being Ninan Coyuchi who was born in 1490. And the youngest siblings, Quispe Sisa & Paullu Inca as they are both 500. Though they are not all related directly they are related through each other as brother, sister, half brother, and half sister.
  • 1532


    Francisco Pizarro met Atahualpa in the most fateful place in the New World. They met in Vilcabamba which is also known as Machu Picchu. The Spaniards invited the Inca chief to attend a feast.
  • 1533

    Pizarro kills Atahualpa

    Pizarro kills Atahualpa
    Atahualpa was the 13th and LAST inca emperor before they were killed by the spanish group lead by Francisco Pizarro in 1533.
  • 1533

    Fallen Empire

    Fallen Empire
    Atahualpa was the last Sapa Inca. He was the last Sapa Inca in the Inca Empire of Tawantinsuyu. His empire fell after it was conquered by the Spanish.
  • 1533

    Unfair deal

    Unfair deal
    Atahualpa was held for ransom in 1533 by Francisco Pizarro. Once atahualpa gave him the money they killed him anyway, he died July 26th, he died in Cajamarca, Peru.
  • 1533


    Before they were killed, Atahualpa had wife, but sadly no children. Her name was Cuxirimay ocllo, this marriage was arranged by her father. Cuxirimay was married to Atahualpa at the age of ten and after he was killed, she was killed in the same year.
  • 1533


    The Spanish killed thousands of Atahualpa's people. They killed his counsellors, commanders and unarmed attendants. Francisco Pizarro was the leader of the Spanish.
  • Jul 26, 1533


    In 1533 there was a ransom were the inca were collected and killed in a room which now known as the Ransom Room. This is the room where it is believed the inca empire came to an end.