Born-276 BC
Died-194 BC -Greek mathematecian, geographer, poet, astronamer, and a music theorist. -He was the founder of scientfic chronolgy. He endeavored to revise the dates of cheif literary and polictical events. -
Aristarchus of Samos
Aristsrchus Of Samos:
Born- c. 310 BCE
Died-C. 230 BCE -Believed in Heliocentrism
-Distance To The Sun
-The Great Year and Estimate of the length of the month. -
Anaxagoras- Born- 510 BC-Died 428 BC All things have existed from the beginning. But origanally they existed in infintesimally small fragments of themselves, endless in number and inextricably combined. Literary Refereces: Anaxagroras appears as a character in the Ionia Sanction by Gary Corby. -
Feb 19, 1473
Nicolaus Copercicus
Nicoloaus Copernicus was a Renaissence mathmatecian and astronmer who formulateda heliocentric model of the universe which placed the sun rather than the Earth at the center. *Geocentric vs. Heliocentric: Geocentric was developed by Greek Philosphers and was the accepted model of the solar system for centuries.
Heliocentric meant the sun centered gradually. -
Dec 14, 1546
Tycho Brahe
Tycho Brahe- Born: December 14th, 1546,
Died- October 24th, 1601 (Age 54 years)
-Danish nobleman known for his accurate and comprehensive asrtrononmical and planetary observations. -The 1572 Supernova: On November 11th, 1572, Tycho observed (From Herrved Abbey) a very bright star now named SN 1572 -
Feb 15, 1564
Galileo Galilei
Born: Feburary 15th, 1564
Died: January 8th, 1642 (Age 77 years) -Italian physicst, engineer, astronomer, and philsopher who played a major role in the scentfic revolution.
His acheivements are improvements on the telescope and astrronimcal obsverations. -
Dec 27, 1571
Johannes Kepler
Born: December 27th, 1571
Died: November 15th, 1630 He was a German mathmatecian, astronamer, and astrologer. Supernova of 1604: On October 1604, a bright new evening star ( SN 1604) But Kepler did not believe it until he saw it for himself. Kepler's Laws: 1) The orbit of a planet is an elipse with the sun at one of 2 of the foci.
2) A line segement joning a planet and the sun sweeps out.
3.) The square of the orbiatal period of a planet is porpotional. -
Sir Isaac Newton
Born December 25th, 1642
Died- March 20th, 1727 (84 years) -English Physcist and mathematican who is widely reconized as one of the most influential scientists of all time. Built the first refracting telescope. -
Claudus Ptolemy
Born- C. AD 90
Died- C. AD 168 (Age 77-78 years) -Greco-Roman writer of Alexandria, known as a mathmaticain, astronamer, geographer, astrolger, and poet. -
-Born C. 190 BC
Died-120 BC -Greek astronamer, geographer. and mathematican of the Hellenstic Period. He is considered to be the founder of trigonmetry. But is most famous for his discovery of precession of the equinoxes. -
Born 384 BCE
Died 322 BCE (Age 62) The Five Elements:
*Aether Motion-Aristotle deifned motion as the actuality of potenially.