Astronomy in World History

By Lorien
  • Period: 10,000 BCE to 2200 BCE

    Neolithic period

    • moved from nomadic to agrarian societies, increased importance of the solar year
    • large scale observation sites often appear with settlements
    • religion and astronomy brought together in rituals
  • Period: 5500 BCE to 1800 BCE


  • Period: 4900 BCE to 4700 BCE

    Goseck circle

  • Period: 3100 BCE to 1600 BCE


    • stones exist for billions of years and transcend humanity
    • trees tend to live longer than us, but stones (and stars) appear to live forever
    • may have been many “treehenges” around stonehenge
    • stones are used to transcend current life/generations
    • thus stonehenge may have been primarily a place to connect with the dead
    • likely that it had multiple purposes
    - confirmation bias
    - same alignments in multiple sites in the same culture/area
    - some kind of functional purpose
  • Period: 1894 BCE to 1595 BCE

    First/Old Babylonian Empire

    • early civilisations marked by the development of social structures
    • ramifications of making astronomical observations central
    • establishing and maintaining order, calendars and timekeeping
    • expertise framed within religious context
    • celestial bodies divine in nature
      • thus celestial movements seen as movements of deities
    • ‘cosmological congruence’ between astronomical and religious thought
    • social functions of belief systems (e.g. controlling market price by predicting market price)
  • Period: 1800 BCE to 1600 BCE

    Nebra Sky Disc

    • features a crescent moon, a full moon or sun, pliedies
      • definitely features stars - therefore earliest known depiction of stars
      • curves that match the difference between solstice sunsets at its latitude
    • three layers of the disk
      • had been manipulated a few times
    • disk found in central Germany
      • copper and tin from Austria
      • gold from mine in Cornwall (or Romania)
      • this distribution of materials suggests a complex trading network
  • Period: 600 BCE to 400 BCE

    Pre-Socratic Greek philosophy

    'young, wild days'
  • Period: 551 BCE to 479 BCE


  • Period: 510 BCE to 323 BCE

    Greek classical period

    Plato and Aristotle, Athens based
  • Period: 425 BCE to 348 BCE


    • ideas/forms & phenomena
      • what is reality?
      • true reality vs what we see as a reflection of it
      • world of forms vs world of phenomena
    • ‘saving the phenomena’ - attributing appearances to underlying causes
    • the “harmony of the spheres” - celestial motion circular
    • in order to have time, planets must move in different circles to create differentiation in time
    • astronomy important as the one place where forms can be observed
      • celestial motion followed perfect, circular forms
  • Period: 384 BCE to 322 BCE


    • task of explaining the causes of everything
      • astronomy to be incorporated into that philosophical system, not final end to be explained
    • motion understood as change or transformation from potential to actual state
    • either straight line or circular motion
    • all motion must be directed to/from/around the centre of the universe
      • earth: up and down (gravity)
      • sky: in circles
    • prime mover: being that can produce & thus initiates all motion in the universe without being moved itself
  • 360 BCE

    Timaeus published (Plato)

  • Period: 323 BCE to 31 BCE

    Greek Helenistic/Alexandrian period

    • Euclid to Ptolemy
    • Alexandria based (with other contributions)
    • major developments of greek astronomy
  • Period: 310 BCE to 230 BCE


    • calculated relative distances between earth, sun and moon
    • calculated relative size of sun and earth
    • proposed a heliocentric system (was laughed at)
    • greek astronomy focused on geocentrial models of the universe
    • Aristarchus’s heliocentric theories apparently not taken seriously
      • when you move the earth out the centre of the universe, you have to explain things like gravity/why things fall down
      • his only real evidence was that the sun is bigger than the Earth
  • 300 BCE

    Euclid's Elements published

    • Euclid
      • wrote a book called the elements
        • very influential
        • used until the 20th century (?) as a maths textbook
    • geometry important before Euclid
    • with Euclid central role in greek understanding of the world
      • spatial thinking in Euclidean terms
    • development of new mathematical methods
      • proofs and techniques
  • Period: 300 BCE to 270 BCE


  • Period: 276 BCE to 195 BCE


    • used the difference in height of the sun at the summer solstice at different latitudes to determine the size of the Earth
      • calculated 20,000 - 16,000 km, (depending on how units are converted)
  • Period: 200 BCE to 60 BCE

    Antikythera Mechanism

  • Period: 100 to 170


    • various mathematical techniques to calculate motions that fit observations and use circles
      • epicycles
      • excenters
      • equants
    • combined the different techniques and built a planetary system that worked/fit all of the observational data
  • Period: 500 to 1500

    Medieval period

  • Period: 570 to 632


  • 820

    Bayt al Hikma founded (Baghdad)

    • founded by the Caliph al-Ma’mum (9th century)
    • central institution for learning in the caliphate
    • collection of manuscripts from all parts of the empire and neighbouring states
    • Greece, Egypt, Persia, India, Mesopotamia - translation of texts into Arabic (inc. ptolemy and aristotle)
    • strong interest in ‘foreign sciences’
    • knowledge of texts enabled access to higher positions in society
  • Period: 973 to 1048


    • central asian philosopher, astronomer and mathematician
    • various astronomical works
    • precision measurements of the size of the earth
      • correct within 1%
  • 1088

    University of Bologna founded (first university)

    • right to universities of self-governance
    • 4 faculties: arts (inc. science), medicine, law and theology
    • First 2 years studies of the seven liberal arts:
      • Grammar, dialectic (i.e. logic), rhetoric (the ‘trivium’)
      • Arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music (the ‘quadrivium’)
    • Third year studies of philosophy
      • Focus of philosophical studies dependent on planned higher degree
    • Subsequently higher degree study in theology, law or medicine
    • astronomy stronger outside universities
  • Period: 1135 to 1204


    Maimonides criterion
    - Argument: there can be no contradiction between two truths
    - scripture is always correct but we might not understand it correctly
    - Criterion:
    - if there is proof that "contradicts" scripture, believe proof and asses our understanding of scripture
    - if there is not full proof, then believe scripture
  • 1150

    University of Paris founded

    • prohibitions to teach Aristotelian philosophy in 1210, 1215, 1231, and again in 1277
    • Aristotle was popular, and prohibitions did not really work
    • 1277: Bishop Etienne Tempier prohibited the teaching of 219 Aristotelian ideas specifically
      • bishop of Paris was also chancellor of the university
  • Period: 1201 to 1274

    Nasir al-Tusi

    • first director of the observatory in Maragha (Persia)
    • concerned with developing methods to relate all kinds of motion to circular movements
    • developed the Tusi couple as a way to reduce linear motion to two circles moving in opposite directions
  • 1259

    Observatory of Maragha founded

    • located in northwest Persia
    • first large observatory in Islamic world
    • founded in 1259 by Mongolian ruler Hulagu Khan (related to Genghis Khan)
    • First director Nasir al-Tusi
    • Participation of Chinese astronomers and Indian astronomers
    • first large scale observatory in islamic world
      • too many different observations - needed a consistent model/method
  • Period: 1300 to

    Renaissance period

    • a different culture of learning
      • urban centres and societies
      • focussed around the wealthy elites
      • self-fashioning and rhetoric
        • expectations to praise oneself extravagantly
    • the focus on the ancient world
      • renaissance thought of the medieval world as worthless, rather valued the ancient world and aimed to refashion the ancient world to make it better
    • the rise of critical thinking
      • edited/revised ancient texts
      • aim to review and make better
  • Period: 1301 to 1358

    Jean Buridan

    • 14th century philosopher and theologian based at the uni of paris
    • work on the Aristotelian concept of motion, cosmological studies in this concept
    • Combined Ptolematic system and Aristotelian cosmology
    On the rotation of the Earth:
    - no solution by observation as motion is always relative
    - analogy of two moving ships
    - theological arguments in favour of rotating earth
    - physical arguments in favour of rotating celestial sphere:
    - falling stones are not dragged towards one side
  • Period: 1304 to 1375

    Ibn al-Shatir

    • redefinition of celestial spheres
    • parts of the sphere of fixed stars shine, other parts don’t
      • celestial spheres must have an internal structure, possibly caused by different elements
    • criteria what could be part of such an internal structure
      • Epicycles and Tusi couples could, eccentrics and equants could not
    • development of a planetary system according to these criteria
      • many of his ideas adopted by Copernicus (however unlikely that Copernicus knew about all of his work)
  • Period: 1325 to 1382

    Nicole Oresme

    • 14th century philosopher and theologian at the uni of Paris
    Extrapolation/response to Buridan:
    - ‘falling stone’ argument not valid: air could be dragged along the rotating earth
    - ships cabin vs deck
    - theological argument still in favour of rotating earth
    - physical function for precession of the equinoxes
    - final verdict
    - rotation of earth probably, but not proven
    - Maimonides criterion:
    - if not proven, believe the scripture
  • Period: 1368 to

    Ming Dynasty

    • celestial/divine influence basic premise of astrological thinking
    • chinese emperor as 'son of heaven'
    • astronomy as a bureaucratic exercise done by bureaucrats, who monitored and recorded the sky looking for changes
    • meticulous record keeping
    • clear tasks to be fulfilled (calendar making, observing abnormalities, etc.)
    • production of star catalogues and star maps central task (ensure heavens are as predicted)
    • importance of “guest stars” (comets, supernovae)
  • 1436

    Printing press invented

    • allowed texts to be reproduced
    • allowed astronomers to gain knowledge of data
      • e.g. Copernicus was able to buy the data he used in a way that he would not have been able to do fifty years prior
  • Period: 1473 to 1543

    Nicolaus Copernicus

    copernician system
    - sun in the centre
    - all planets including the earth revolve around the sun
    - in detailed system epicycles and eccentric motion still exist
    - each planet with its own centre of eccentric cycles arguments for:
    - Slightly simpler (23 instead of 27 epicycles)
    - No larger epicycles
    - No equant
    - Intrinsic harmony arguments against:
    - Contradicted Aristotelian philosophy
    - No explanation for gravity
    - and didn’t care about this
  • 1514

    Copernicus's Commentariolus (Nicolai Copernici de hypothesibus motuum coelestium a se constitutis commentariolus)

    outline of heliocentric theory, published anonymously
    - no one centre of all celestial circles and spheres
    - Earth's centre is not the centre of the universe, but only of gravity and of the moon’s orbit.
    - planets revolve around the sun, the centre of the universe.
    - earth-sun distance imperceptible compared to earth-star distance
    - rotation of Earth -> daily rotation of stars
    - earth revolving around the sun -> annual cycle of movements of the sun
    - motion of earth (pov) -> retrograde motion
  • 1543

    'On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres' published (Copernicus)

  • Period: 1546 to

    Tycho Brahe

    • Danish nobleman with astronomical interest
      • Use of astronomy for political and career purposes
    • built an observatory and used the highest precision possible to get the best possible measurements
    tycho’s system
    - Sun, moon and fixed stars rotate around the earth
    - All planets rotate around the Sun
    - fixed stars ‘don’t move’ relative to us, therefore we don’t move either
    - Earth as centre of universe
    • first discovery of a new star in Europe
    • Difficult to explain in classical theories
  • Period: 1564 to

    Galileo Galilei

    • Mathematical philosopher
    • became and remained supportive of the original Copernican system
    • catholic
    • heliocentric view, but no proof
    • convicted of heresy
  • Period: 1571 to

    Johannes Kepler

    • First and foremost an astronomer
    • Early commitment to heliocentric system, grew stronger over the years
    • Rejection of Copernican system in favour of ‘proper’ heliocentric astronomy
    • Rejection of all three systems (ptolemaic, copernican, and tycho)
      • Copernican system the only one that Kepler could accept as true in principle
    • proposed elliptical orbits (a last resort)
  • Period: to

    Rene Descartes

  • Period: to

    Issac Newton