Astronomy History

  • 394 BCE


    Proved the earth was spherical and the sun,moon,planets,and stars move in different spheres
  • Period: 394 BCE to

    395 BC-2018

  • 190 BCE


    Wrote the first star and astronomical catalogue first to become precession of equinoxes and calculated the correct the right distance between the earth and moon
  • 165 BCE


    He made the Geocentric Theory he also wrote Almagest and made the Ptolemaic Model
  • 1473


    Earth revolves around the sun and said that the sun is the center of the universe
  • 1546

    Tycho Brahe

    Most accurate planetary observations before the telescope
  • 1564


    he was an Italian scientist that discovered all four of Jupiter's moons Io, Callisto,Europa,Ganymede and Jupiter itself he also agreed with Copernicus along with discovering sunspots
  • 1570

    Hans Lipershey

    He created the telescope with a 3x magnification,the patent for it,and eyeglasses
  • Refracting Telescope

    A revolutionary telescope that uses mirrors to see far away objects
  • Johannes Kepler

    He made the three laws of planetary motion which say that the planets move around the sun in an ellipse
  • Reflecting Telescope

    A telescope that reflects light to illuminate the object you are watching
  • Giovanni Casini

    He discovered the Diurnal Rotation of Venus and separation of Saturn’s rings
  • Isaac Newton

    Three laws of motion by working off of Copernicus
  • William Herschel

    Discovered the planet Uranus and its moons. In 1800 he conducted an experiment and discovered IR.
  • Percival Lowell

    Discovered the planet Puto and studied the “canals” on Mars.Built the Lowell observatory in Flagstaff
  • Ejnar Hertzsprung

    An inventor of the Hertzsprung Russell diagram which shows the absolute magnitude and the spectral type of star
  • Albert Einstein

    He was known for the Theory of Relativity
  • Edwin Hubble

    Using the color of the stars,discovered the universe is expanding which is called hubble’s law
  • Karl Jansky

    He created the radio telescope and he was the first radio astronomer and he discovered radio waves emanating from the milky way
  • Sputnik

    It was a Soviet probe that was described as a silver basketball and it was the first manmade object to reach space.
  • Yuri Gaganari

    1961 He was the first man to go reach space on board 3KA-3 spacecraft
  • John Glenn

    He was the first man to orbit the earth
  • Neil Armstrong

    He was the first man on the moon and he made the quote “that is one step for a man and one giant leap for mankind”
  • Apollo Missions

    The first shuttle in space for research.
  • Mars Pathfinder

    It was the first successful rover to make it to Mars surface
  • Casini orbiter

    It was a spacecraft that was named after Giovanni Cassini and was sent to Saturn
  • SpaceX Falcon Heavy

    A highly anticipated mission that was sent by SpaceX and it is the most powerful rocket yet.