Feb 1, 1234
Aristarchus suggests that the earth revolves around the sun
310-230 b.c. -
Feb 28, 1543
Copernicus publishes his heliocentric theory
Hans Lippershey invents the telescope
Kepler comes up with his laws of planetary motion
Galileo uses telescope for astronomical purposes. He discover 4 of Jupiter's moons, the Moon's craters and the Milky Way galaxy.
Isaac Newton built the first refelcting telescope
The beginning of spectral analysis of stars
Edwin Hubble shows that galaxies exist outside the Milky Way
First radio telescope built by Grote Reber
Yuri Gagarin becomes the first man in space.
Aldrin and Armstrong, Apollo 11 mission
Hubble Space Telescope put into orbit from space shuttle Discovery.
ISS launch