First Telescope
Galileo created an instrument with a one-and-a-half-inch lens displayed in an ornate frame. Lenses fitted into wooden tubes just a few feet long. -
Photographic Plate
Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre discovered the ability to create a permanent image on a photographic plate-- a thin film of polished silver on a copper base. -
First Astrophotograph
John William Draper was the first person to take an astrophotograph of the moon through a 12" telescope. -
First Spiral Nebulae
Lord Rosse completed his reflecting telescope called "Leviathan of Parsontown" in Ireland and discovered the first spiral nebulae with it. -
The First Recorded Star
William Cranch Bond and J.A. Whipple took a daguerreotype of the star Vega. -
Emulsion Plates
George Eastmen invented a machine to coat plates with emulsion so that the plates could be produced in mass numbers and more quickly. -
First Photo of a Deep Sky Object
Professor Henry Draper photographed the Orion Nebula-- the first photo of a deep sky object. -
Kodak Camera
George Eastman invented dry, transparent, and flexible photographic film and the Kodak cameras that could use the film. -
First Photo of Earth As Seen From Space
The grainy black and white photos were taken with a 35 mm motion picture camera riding on a V-2 missile launched from the White Sands Missle Range.
took pic every 1 1/2 seconds; rocket borne camera went straight up and fell back down to earth minutes later -
Hubble Space Telescope
The telescope was lifted into orbit by the space shuttle Discovery and has recorded our universe ever since bringing home new discoveries and information about the universe. -
First Shot of Earth From Mars
The Mar's Orbital Camera took the first image of Earth as seen from another planet. -
Large Binocular Telescope
The twin-mirrored Large Binocular Telescope saw first light in Arizona- able to deliver images ten times sharper than the Hubble Space Telescope's. -
First Photo Above Saturn's North Pole
The first photo from high above the north pole of Saturn towards the clouds and ring system below, taken from the Cassini spacecraft 700,000 miles from Saturn. -
The First Light Image
The first light image from STEREO A, a NASA spacecraft, taken with an extreme ultraviolet telescope and shows a close-up of loops in a magnetically active region at 1 million degrees celcius. -
First Curiosity Photo of Mars
The first image taken by the Curiosity rover and the first close up image of Mar's Gale Crater.