Axis Power
- Three major axis consisted of Germany, Itatly, and Japan
- They were all allies with eachother
- The Axis Power restrcied freedom, but the allies upheld religious beleifs
- Not all that allied with them still shared the same political views either
Period: to
Assignment 5 : 1930-1941
Charles Lindgerg Story
- His son was kidnaped when he was a baby
- He found dead not far from his home
- They lived in New Jersey
- 3 years latter they found someone guilty
- Bruno Hampton murdered Charles's baby boy
Road to War
- Peace Treaty of Versallies was signed to end all wars
- It broke up Europe
- Nine countries were given new boundries
- Germany was blamed for WW1
- The Soviet Union collectivization to forcibly take over private and to create state-sonctrolled farms
- Hitler marches into Austria
- Austria wanted to be a part of Germany, but Hitler was ruler so they changed their minds
- Hitler placed German tropps within Austria
- He also took over Austria and they were being ruled by Nazis
Naval Expasion Act passes
- It was also known as the Second Vinson Act
- It was the response to the Jpanese invansion of China and Germany
- The first American Battleships were being used
- The Two-Ocean Act latter led an increase of the Navy by 70%
Non-Agression Pact
- National Treaty between two or more states
- It ould agree those states that they wouldn't go to war with eachother
- Sometimes a plede would be included to advoid conflict
- If they were to fight and go to war with a third county than it included allies with one of the participants
Neutrality with Europe
- U..S declared war with Europe after Germany invaded Poland It began WW2 after a year of European attempts to get rid of Hitler
- It amied for expansion of Germany
- Americans beleived that if Hitler won than a threat to national security would occur
Joseph Stalin
- He was part of the Soviet Union
- He controlled maunfactering
- Anyone who disagreed with anything he did could be enlisted to go to labor camp
- He started thebig purge
- Millions of poeple were killed because of him
- He was ruthless and evil
Lend-Lease Act
- It was an act that promote defense of the U.S
- Rossevelt declared large amounths of U.S weapons for their shipment
- It wanted to give Britian all possible "aid short of war"
- "To sell, transfer, title, exchange, lease, and lend to was part of the act which was to defend U.S president
Pearl Harbor Attack
- Japan struck against the U.S
- The mission was planned for a year before they took action
- 3 Waves were sent to destory Pearl Harbor but only 2 set out
- 188 aircrafts were destryoed
- People wer feaking out and told to stay in their homes till futher notice
- It created chaos and fear to everyone on te Hawiann Islands