Assignment 4, week 3B

  • 13th Amendment

    Prohibits Slavery or involuntary servitude unless the person being held committed a crime. This was important because it contributed to the fight for equal rights for all men.
  • 14th Amendment

    Give all people born in the United States the right to life liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This was important because this amendment was no longer discriminatory and it was accepting of all people.
  • 15th amendment

    All citizens have the right to vote if they please, and this was important because it ensure that all people had a say in the U.S. government.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    A supreme Court case that ended with the idea that men of color are "segregated but equal". This was important because it was the beginning to the end of discrimination.
  • Mendez v. Westminster

    A court case that ended with the desegregation of schools in California, and this led to other states following in our footsteps.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    A court case in which ended with the desegregation of schools which helped contribute to the end of segregation in all public places.
  • Montgomery Bus boycott

    many civil rights leaders and supporters refused to ride the bus for 381 days straight as a protest, and this showed how committed african americans were to getting equal rights.
  • Desegregation at Little Rock

    a group of students known as the Little Rock nine protested segregation in schools by enrolling and attending an all white school. This helped contribute to the desegregation in public places.
  • The "Sit-in"

    A sit in consisted of african americans entering places segregated for "whites only" as a way to protest the segregation, and this led to desegregation in many public places.
  • The Mississippi Riots

    After allowing a black male to enroll in an all white school, all hell broke loose. Riots began to start up, but fortunately, they cooled down but this still showed that whites were not ready to be accepting of other races.
  • "I have a dream" speech

    This speech was given by MLK jr. to inspire people to fight for their rights as a human being. His speech did just that and led to the end of all segregation, and discrimination.
  • March on Washington

    Many civil rights supporters marched in Washington, D.C. to pressure Kennedy to pass the Civil Rights Bill of 1964 that would give them equal rights to whites. Their plan was effective because the Bill was put in place ensuring that african americans would be given equal rights.
  • Freedom Summer

    the opening of 41 schools in Mississippi on back porches, under trees, etc. This was important because it helped expand black voting in the South
  • The Selma March

    These were quiet and non violent protests turned bloody riots during the Civil Rights Movement. This event was important because it showed how tension between the opposing sides was rising.
  • Assassination of MLK

    The death of MLK stunned many people because he had proven to be one of the biggest contributors to the Civil Rights Movement. His death led to many protests, violent acts, etc. which were the exact opposite of what he preached.
  • The Fair Housing Act

    This Act made sure people couldn't withhold selling their property to another based on their race, gender,etc. Meaning one needed to justify their reasoning for not selling their housing. This was another contributor to creating normalcy between whites and african americans.