Book cover

Assignment 3 "The Plot"

  • Training camp: Day 1

    Training camp: Day 1
    Alfie goes to Fairwood community center for his first day of training camp. He has to sign a contract from the kingdom of Granity. After realizing what the kingdom of Granity was he found out his coach was a wizard. They Had to do a lot of running, during the running Alfie realized Fairwood was collecting their sweat...
  • Kallo the tiger

    Kallo the tiger
    Rolambi, the coach of the team, teaches them how to play defense. To show the players how to properly play defense he brought a tiger that they had to get past. The tiger showed that a defender has to be ready before the offense was...
  • Vision

    To show that vision is a key part of playing offense Rolambi shut the lights and took out a bright basketball. The goal was to pass the ball across the court, once you got to half court he brought out defense to try and stop them. They also learned that when you are on a basketball court you have to communicate...
  • Protect the flag

    Protect the flag
    To play team defense Rolambi split the team into 2 smaller teams. Each team had to protect a trophy that sat at the top of the castle. At the beginning, they all just guarded one side, in the end, they learned that when playing team defense you have to help your teammate if they're in trouble...
  • Mountain top free throws

    Mountain top free throws
    Shooting is a key part of basketball. To show that Rolambi brought the team to the top of the tallest mountain in the world. Each player would have to score a free throw or they would all fall down. It also taught them to stay focused and encourage their teammates if they fail...
  • Shadow ballers

    Shadow ballers
    Team offense. Playing basketball is by recognizing weaknesses and taking advantage. To show the badgers how to play as a team Rolambi took away those weaknesses by making you play vs. your shadow. The goal of the drill was to get open. Since there were no advantages the players had to make them for themselves. If you were to run around a spotlight would fall on you taking away your shadow. It taught them to get open for a pass, basketball is a TEAM sport...
  • The closing walls

    The closing walls
    Rolambi left early while the team stood there confused. Out of nowhere, the walls started closing in. They were all scared of dying when Devon had the idea to put the bleachers in the middle to stop it, but it didn't work. Just before the walls were about to kill them the badgers found themselves lying on the floor of Fairwood. It was a new Fairwood, a clean, brand new and renovated one. It was a new beginning for all of them...
  • A new beginning

    A new beginning
    The next day the team was so happy, for the first time it felt like they were a real team. Even more, it felt like they were friends. They played ball for hours, competing yet still having a blast...
  • Training camp: The last day

    Training camp: The last day
    On the last day of practice, Rolambi made the kids review everything from the past 8 days. Kallo came back, as well as the shadow defenders and everything else. They laughed the whole time, having the best practice they ever had. Covered in sweat, they still loved it...