Assignment 3: Reading History Timeline

  • Kindergarten: I love to be read to!

    Kindergarten: I love to be read to!
    I loved having stories read to me, and looking at the pages when I small. I loved books and was trying to read but found it difficult as my class sizes were fairly large, and mixed with many different ages because I went to school on a reservation for kindergarten. Like many little kids some of my favorites were: The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Any Barney Books, Brown Bear, ect.
  • 1st Grade: Talking about Awesome Reads

    1st Grade: Talking about Awesome Reads
    I enjoyed grabbing books and learning about them as well as talking about them. Magic School Bus, Rainbow Fish, Lily's Purple Purse, Disney Edition books, The Giving Tree are a few I can remember.
  • 2nd Grade: The Struggle Begins

    2nd Grade: The Struggle Begins
    Reading became harder for me as the books I was reading became more advanced. I still really loved listening to stories, my favorite was Amelia Bedelia- the original sets, to this day they are some of my favorite, I remember it being this series that helped me remember sequencing and what was happening and what would follow an action.
  • 3rd Grade: Still Loving but Trouble Remembering

    3rd Grade: Still Loving but Trouble Remembering
    I enjoyed reading still, but if it wasn't a book that captured interest to me, I struggled remembering, paying attention to it at all. Favorite books: Charlotte's Web, Judy Blume
  • 4th/5th Grade: Shy and Avoidance to Reading until Pushed

    4th/5th Grade: Shy and Avoidance to Reading until Pushed
    I was embarrassed to read aloud at this point in school. I had gotten behind but I did love being read to. My teacher noticed this and had me read 2x as much. She would assign me small passages to do randomly during downtime and when we read as a class, I usually read 2 or 3 pages instead of 1, and eventually chapters aloud at a time. This was really difficult for me to get over this hump as I was very introverted in that area. As she worked with me and I felt proud, I became a strong reader.
  • Middle School: Reading Through Everything

    Middle School: Reading Through Everything
    Once I had gotten over the hump of my fears with reading and practiced with the support of my teacher, I began reading so many books, the library at my school was like a second home. My favorites were: A Series of Unfortunate Events, Holes and Goosebumps I can remember waiting for someone to return the 3rd book in the series and me going and checking the library each day for what was probably a few weeks.
  • High School: Reading Only What is Required

    High School: Reading Only What is Required
    I still enjoy reading but mostly stuck to school assignments in English classes. I read less and was more socially focused, and sports-focused. Books I Read for School: To Kill a Mockingbird, Of Mice and Men, The Great Gatsby, Animal Farm,
  • Early Adulthood: Reading for Growth and Mystery

    Early Adulthood: Reading for Growth and Mystery
    After High School I was back into reading often but changed into self-help books and mystery novels. My favorite as a young adult was The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, The Four Agreements (I still have this book and recommend it! As well as Eat that Frog.
  • Period: to

    Fantasy, Culture and Quality Time

    I read for my college classes, I read for fun, and I read daily to my 4-year-old son. I read about a book a week, mostly fantasy novels.
    I read daily to my son: Picture books and chapter books. We try to incorporate different styles, be culturally aware in our book choices, and also pick things that are of interest to him too. Fourth Wing, Wings of Night, Divine Rivals, ACOTAR, The Help, The Plated Prisoner Series, The Women, The Housemaid, We All Live here
  • Reading often

    Reading often
  • Make Reading Fun!

    Make Reading Fun!
    This is a picture from a scholastic order we did... we asked the family if anyone wanted to contribute to my kiddos book library (he picked books all under $10) and friends and family were excited to either get him a book or donate one they had. Getting everyone involved in his journey and love for reading is important to me
  • A Double Win

    A Double Win
    Monthly focus- Jane Addams Book Awards
    This was a double win for us because I'm taking EDU215 here at Nevada State, so my son and I are finding new books to read for school plus at home life.