Assignment 3

By Nigel S
  • Verbal Altercation

    Verbal Altercation
    In 4th grade, this kid was bullying me and I finally had enough and stuck up for myself. Even though I was sticking up for myself, the school told my parents that I was the aggressor, and as punishment my dad made me ready all day and night for 2 weeks.
  • Captain Underpants

    Captain Underpants
    I read my first Captain Underpants book in 5th grade. This is the first time I enjoyed reading.
  • Boxing

    Mike Tyson was my favorite boxer, I wanted to box just like him as a child. My dad got me his very first edition of his autobiography. I read that book over and over until the cover fell off.
  • Anatomy

    I took my first anatomy course in 6th grade. I found out I loved anatomy through reading the textbook. I even asked to take the textbook home a few times before the teacher reluctantly let me.
  • Almost Failed

    Almost Failed
    In 7th grade I almost failed English because I did not agree with being told that the way I have been taught how to write by the teacher prior is inadequate (especially since I was one of, if not the best writer in all of the English classes I was in). My punishment was to read all day and night again, with no extracurricular activities.
  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid

    Diary of a Wimpy Kid
    In 8th grade, I just happened to stumble across this book series. I became addicted and motivated to reach each book in the collection.
  • Biology

    Much like Anatomy, when reading the contents of things pertaining to the body I was intrigued. In biology, it was the section focused on genetics. I used to take pictures of the textbook to read at home.
  • Physics

    Physics was unlike any other math or science class that I have had prior, so I felt compelled to learn more.
  • Anatomy and Physiology

    Anatomy and Physiology
    I had taken two anatomy classes prior to this anatomy and physiology class in high school. It was way more in depth, and gave answers to some of my questions from previous classes. I loved this class.
  • Introduction to Proofs

    Introduction to Proofs
    Here at NSU I took Math 301 which was an introduction to proofs. This class taught directly out of the book, and it made me fall in love with math all over again. This class is everything I wanted my previous math classes to be like.