Assignment 3

  • Bedtime stories with Mom

    Introduction to storytelling, fostering love for books and imagination. Early experiences with storytelling laid the foundation for my lifelong love of reading and appreciation for the power of imagination.
  • Kindergarten Reading Corner

    Early exposure to books, learning to read and share stories. The kindergarten reading corner was where I first discovered the joy of books and began developing my reading skills.
  • First Library Card

    Independent access to books, fostering a love for reading. Getting my first library card marked a milestone in my reading journey, giving me the freedom to explore a world of books on my own terms.
  • Book Fair Adventures

    Exploring genres, discovering new stories and authors, building enthusiasm. Book fairs were exciting opportunities to explore different genres, discover new authors, and fuel my enthusiasm for reading.
  • Young Adult Fiction Obsession

    Finding relatable characters, exploring themes of identity and growth. Young adult fiction became a cherished genre where I found characters who mirrored my own experiences and explored themes of identity and personal growth.
  • Book Club Initiation

    Engaging discussions, broadening literary perspectives with diverse readers. Joining a book club provided opportunities for enriching discussions, expanding my literary horizons, and sharing insights with fellow readers.
  • E-Reader Purchase

    Embracing digital reading for convenience and expanding reading choices. Purchasing an e-reader allowed me to embrace digital reading, providing convenience and access to a broader range of books.
  • Literature Class in College

    Analyzing classics, developing critical thinking and literary appreciation. College literature classes deepened my understanding of classic works, honed my critical thinking skills, and fostered a deeper appreciation for literature as an art form.
  • Binge-Reading Series

    Immersive journey through interconnected stories, deepening love for storytelling. Binge-reading series provided immersive experiences through interconnected stories, strengthening my passion for storytelling and narrative arcs.
  • Book Review Blog

    Sharing insights, connecting with fellow readers, and recommending favorite reads. Starting a book review blog enabled me to share my love for books, connect with a community of readers, and recommend meaningful reads to others.