Turman Doctrine Announced
- He asked congress to grant economic and military aid to Greece and Turkey
- He wante to help them resist communism
- The Soviets and the U.S were allies, but not during the Post-War
- The speech became established
Period: to
Assignment 2 Part B : The Cold War
Soviet Union explodes 1st Atmoic Bomb
- They set off the 1st atomic bomb by code name " First Lightening"
- They put animals in cages close by the explosion to see if it had an affect on human-like mammals
- They built buildings and bridges to see if those would get ruined too from the bomb
- A U.S spy saw the explosion and Turman annoced they had bombs too
North Alantic Treaty Orginization (NATO) established
- It was created by the U.S, Canada, and other Westren European nations to provide security against the Soviet Union
- It was the 1st military allaince in the U.S
- Europe struggled to rebuild their economics and ensure their security
U.S and U.N members fight North Korea
- They war asted 3 years
- Korean War had complicated issues
- The United Nations had to deal with or lose credibility after 5 years
- At the end of the war, Korea was split into two
- The south was now in America's hands
Soviets launch first man-made Satellite
- The Soviets launch Spunktnik 1 which was the 1st artifical satellite
- It was 184 pounds and 22.4 inches long
- Sputnick transmitted radio signals for 21 days
- After that it disappeared into the Earth's atmosphere
China explodes the 1st Atomic Bomb
- Soviets helped China become better with technlogy in the necular industry
- They didnt provide correct information to them though
- China had to rey on a Scientist to help them build the atomic bomb
- They said that they'd only use it in self-defense during wars
U.S sends tropps to South Vietnam
- They keep troops to protect the U.S airbase
- China and the Soviet Union threaten the U.S if they keep sending troops to Vietnam
- Chinese and Vietnanmese students supportedthe attack on the U.S Embassy
Soviet Red Army invades Afghanistan
- The war lasted nine years
- The Cold War was fought between two allinces
- The Peshawar Seven and the Tehran Eight
- Afghans went to a different country like Iran or Pakistan
- Many were killed during the invansion
U.S invadess Grenada
- The U.S invades a small island they know they can wipe out quick
- It was no match for America's military
- The invansion was due to a military coup that lasted 4 years
- Media with the U.S covered it as negative
Berlin Wall is ruined
- The wall was a symbol of the Cold War
- It defined the fate of German people
- Also, it sepreated the socialists who were controlled by the U.S.S.R from the democrats
- It fell because there was tension from cities and countries began to attack