Elementary and Secondary Education Act
Title I, provision created by the United States Department of Education to distribute funding to schools for low-income families.To ensure that disadvantaged students received quality education. 1966 Education of Happicapped children. 2001 No Child Left Behind Act. 2015 reauthorized as the Every Student Succeeds Act under President Barack Obama.
States had to show they adopted college, career-ready standards and assessments.
https://socialwelfare.library.vcu.edu/programs/education/elementary -
Period: to
Historical Timeline
Diana vs. State Board of Education
-A suit filed on behalf of students with limited English skills. The suit was in response to a child being given an IQ test in English and scored poorly, resulting in being placed in a special needs class.
-It was argued that students were being inaccurately labeled as mentally retarded based on IQ tests which was given in English only.
-Court ruled that students being assesed needed to be tested in their primary language.
https://lawaspect.com/diana-vs-state-board-of-education-1970/ -
Board of Education vs. Rowley
Education of the Handicapped Act of 1974 renamed Individuals with Disabilities Education Act in 1990. A deaf student given a hearing aid but not an interpreter which delayed her academically. School felt interpreter was not necessary and that a hearing aid was enough. Court ruled that under the free appropriate public education Rowley should be provided free services at public expense.