Persian Gulf War
- Sadaam Hussein was under when the invansion of Kuwaitin was taking place
- Bush involved the governments of England and Russia
- He wanted the enemy to gain support
- Hussein didn't give up so the U.S launched air offesve that started the war
Period: to
Assignment 6 part B : 1990-2010
Soviet Union Falls and the Cold War Ends
- Russia split into 15 countries
- Democracy ruled totalitarianism
- Capitalism ruled socialism
- The Warsaw Pact and the Berlin Wall fell too during this time period
Failure in Somalia
- U.S forces went to Somalia to try and capture Warlod Mohammed Farah Aidid
- It was suppose to be quick but, turned into a huge problem
- 18 troops died and 84 were wounded
- America was shocked and scared to see that many dead bodies
O.J Simpson trial begins
- He was charged with murder
- He murdered Ncole Brown and her friend Ron Goldmand
- They learned that Glen might have been the possble killer but they still were holding O.J responsible
- He's still in jail because he took the cops on a highspeed chase after him
Alanta Olympics Bombing
- The bomb killed 111 visitors
- A security was wrongfully accused of planting the bomb
- He was hated by media
- Latter they found out the truth and he wasn't the guy who placed the bombing, someone else did
Kenya and Tanzaina Terrorists attack
- Terrorists bombed American embassies in those countries
- 224 people died and 20 of them were Americans
- Osama Binaden had something to do with the attack
- Clinton wanted to take him down
House Impeaches Clinton
- They wanted to impeach him because of perjury and obstruction of justice
- Bill Clinton also had an affair with Monica Lewinsky in the White House
- He wasn't a good role model for America
Bush becomes President
- The elcetion was very close but, Florida made it a victory for him
- Most people wanted a recount
- Bush won without the popular vote but, won the electorial college
Twin Towers Collaspe in New York City
- 4 air planes were hijacked and flown into the World Trade Center latter known as 911
- Massive deaths and destruction took place
- 3,000 people were killed during the attack by members of Al Qaeda
- 400 police members and firefighters were killed too
Obamas the First Black President
- He was elected 44t president of the U.S
- He became the first black president to make history in America
- His speeches and tone encouraged America we could change
- It was a break through for the blacks