constitutional convention
memebers of the constitution convention in philadelphia draft article III of what became the US constitution. It etablishes the judical branch but provides only a rough outline of its organization. -
first supreme court session
The US supreme court holds it first public session in royal exchange on broad street in New York City -
Capital moves to D.C
The nations capital moves from new york to washington D.C, but no provisions are made to house the supreme court in its own building. The court must conduct its buisness within, a borrowed space originally designed for use by a congressional committee. -
Judiciary act
Admist fierce conflict between federalist and jefferson republicans, congress reluctantly passes the judiciary act of 1801. -
Judicary reform of 1802
following the repeal of the judiciary act of 1801, congress enacts a new state that reinsyayes the supreme court justices circuit and eliminates circuit judgeships -
federal jnudiciary act
The first congress passes the federal judiciary act, which establioshes a federal court system. It also sets specific guidelines fro the operation of the supreme court, which will consist of one chief justice and five associate justices and preside over regional circuit courts.