A Front For Free Labor
The 13th amendment, which “abolished’ slavery freed black americans of slavery. Just not in circumstances like being held a prisoner. Meaning people being held prisoner could be subjected to free labor. -
Birth of JoAnne Chesimard
JoAnne Deborah Chesimard was born July 17th 1947 in New York City, New York. -
End of Segregation To Integration
The case that overturned Plessy V. Ferguson AKA "separate but equal". Enabled, or was supposed to make integration within the United States smooth and fair. -
Early Life
JoAnne went back and forth from NYC to Wilmington, North Carolina most of her young life. Living with either her grandparents or mother. Until she attended college in New York in the 60's. There, her desire for change was amplified. -
LBJ signs the much needed Voting Rights Act to ensure an end to discriminatory tactics used to prevent people of color from rightfully voting. -
Murder Of MLK Jr
Martin Luther King Jr was assassinate during his stay in Texas to discuss various ways to increase the wages of garbage workers. This in addition to the murders of Medgar Evars, JFK, Malcolm X, etc led to public outcry and rage around the nation. This led to the formation of various groups and organizations. Not even just formulated around blackness but overall equality. -
Revolutionary In The Making
JoAnne Chesimard became Assata Shakur after becoming affiliated with the Black Panther Party in New York. She adopted the name to strip herself of reminiscence of her ancestral link to slavery. Assata meaning "she who struggles" and Shakur for "the thankful" -
A Change In Party, But Never Change In Goal
Shakur left the Black Panther Party only a few years after joining due to the heavy monitoring, write tapping, and spying that went on in the New York Branch of the party. "This program was formed by the BPP for obvious reasons, including their efforts to create an image of civility, assume community control of Negroes, and to fill adolescent children with their insidious poison." - Hoover -
A Fatal Night
Assata and two of her companions were driving when stopped by two state troopers. Claiming to have stopped them because of a faulty light... but yet made all exit the car. Despite having her hands up Assata was eventually shot by one of the troopers in her arm. One state trooper was killed, and so was a companion Zayd Shakur. Assata was convicted of both murders... Despite the fact that her arm was pretty much paralyzed due to the injury she sustained in the shoot. Plus why shoot a friend...? -
Innocent Until Proven Black
Shakur spent about 4 years being transferred to multiple prisons for her trial.Some being men's prison Which was a joke. The jury never had anyone of color. She was judged by multiple people who had connections to cops and state troopers. They made her legal team endure hilariously unethical tactics to prove she committed the crime. \
Despite being cleared of all 6 out of 7 charges due to the forensic evidence that proved her innocent... She was still wrongly charged with murder in 1977 -
From Hell To Havana
Shakur was broken out of prison by fellow black activist who feared for her life due to her now being labeled a cop killer. Not to mention she'd been forced to carry and birth her first child in prison. She ended up in Cuba by 1984 and was granted political asylum by Fidel Castro. She was been there ever since. Always reiterating her innocence and standing by her revolutionary ideals. She was the first woman on FBI Most Wanted. And has 2,000,000 bounty on her head.