Aspyn Waters - Timeline

  • Aspyn Waters is born!

  • First Family Vacation!

    Aspyn and her family head out to Seattle to visit relatives. This is the first time that Aspyn ever travels on a airplane.
  • Learning The Way To The Wheels

    Aspyn starts learning how to ride a bike, quickly finding out that it is not as easy as it seems.
  • Run In With The Law!

    Aspyn's mother gets arrested for trespassing on private property. She is has to pay an astronomical fine, and the family dynamic is severely affected.
  • First Day Of School!

    Aspyn starts her education at St. Johns Antigua Elementary School.
  • Time To Move!

    Aspyn and her family pack up and move the the other side of town, preparing for another sibling.
  • Timothy Waters is Born!

    The Waters family welcomes another kid into the mix, making the sibling count three.
  • A Christmas to Remember!

    Aspyn and her entire family travel to Tennessee to visit family for Christmas. It is the biggest family reunion in Waters family history!
  • Goodbye Timmy.

    The family moral is darkened when Timothy Waters dies suddenly at age three.
  • Run Aspyn, Run!

    Aspyn starts to explore the world of running, and loves it.
  • Fresh Start

    Aspyn starts her first year at middle school.
  • House Fire...

    Aspyn and her family move once again due to a terrible house fire that started while the family was vacationing.
  • Vroom!

    Aspyn gets her drivers license!
  • Uh, Oh...

    Aspyn has a tragic spin, resulting in a new car, and VERY angry parents.
  • Graduation!

    Aspyn graduates from St. Johns Antigua High School!
  • All grown up!

    Aspyn turns 18, marking her entry into adulthood.
  • Off To Collage!

    Aspyn enters collage at her university. She plans to major in psychology.
  • Struggles of life...

    Aspyn starts having panic attacks due to the stressful nature of collage.
  • The light at the end of the tunnel...

    Aspyn graduates after a tough couple of years in collage. She immediately gets a job offer at The Department of Human Recourses.