1790 Naturalization Act
First Opium War between China and the U.K. and France
Gold Rush begins
Forien Miners Tax
The People V. Hall
Second Opium War between China and the U.K. and France
Chinese Exclusion Act (California)
Chinese Police Tax
Page Law
In Re Ah Yup
U.S. And China Sign Treaty
Tape V. San Francisco school board
Chinese Primary created in San Francisco
Geary Act
U.S. V. Wong Kim Ark
U.S. Supreme Court requires California to provide education to Chinese Americans
WW1 Begins
Gong Lum V. Rice
Stock Market Crash
WW2 Begins
Japanese forced into internment camps
U.S. enters WW2
Magnuson Act
Internment camps closed
U.S. Breaks ties with China
China becomes a communist country
Korean War Begins
Brown V. Board of Ed.
Immigration Act of 1965
Law V. Nichols
Proposition 227 in California
Proposition 58