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Asia & Kennedy and Andrianna's Timeline

  • In the Beginng

    W.K.L devoted himself to the "Motion Picutre Project" . He and his staff devloped a horizontal-feed motion picture camera
  • How It Started

    How It Started
    Edison envents a peep-hole veiwing machine called "The Kinetograph" AKA "The Kinetiscope"
  • After it started

    A 11/2 inch film establish's 35 millimeter commercial film gauge
  • The Black Smith Scene

    Edison builds a film studio called: "The Black Maria" which is slang term for a police patrol wagon
  • Projection of Film

    The Holland Brothers opened the first kinetiscope parlor owned by Otway Latham, Grey Latham, Samuel Tilden, Enoch Rector
  • Leaving The Lumiere Factory

    The first film to use the latham loop
  • The Kiss

    They renamed the projector "Edisons Vitascope" Emile Pathe and charles founded a company called "Pathe Freres"
  • The American Mutoscope Company

    The Biograpgh company markets their own films and become the most popular motion picture company in the U.S
  • Spanish American War films

    Germany produces its first film about war
  • Vaudeville theaters

    Ms . Alice Guy is named head of motion picture production for Leon Gaumont
  • Poleroid

    Edwin H. Land he created the Poleroid Sheet
  • 3D comes back

    3D comes back
    Walt Disney he began to use more advansed 3D filming such as IMAX