130 eapoe

Ashley #21 : Edgar Allan Poe

  • Birth of Edgar Allan Poe

    Edgar Allan Poe was born on January 19th, 1809 somewhere in England, but some say Boston, Massachussets.
  • Period: to

    Edgar Allan Poe Timeline

  • Elizabeth Poe Dies

    Poe's real mother, Elizabeth Poe, dies in Richmond, Virginia because of tuberculosis on December 8th, 1811.
  • The War of 1812 Begins.

    The War of 1812 Begins.
    The United States declared war with Great Britain on June 18th, 1812, which marked off the beggining of the war of 1812.
  • The Panic of 1819 Begins!

    In 1819, the War of 1812 stopped. Banks throughout the country mortgages were foreclosed, making people leave their homes and get off their farms. The country was impacted and prosperity didn't return until 1824.
  • Poe enrolls in college

    Edgar enrolls in the mid-schoolyear at the University of Virginia, which had opened less than a year before.
  • Death of Ludwig van Beethoven

    Ludwig van Beethoven, a beloved classical pianist passed away. He was apart of many famous symphonies.
  • Frances Allan Dies

    Edgar Allan Poe's step mother, Frances Allan, pases away from tuberculosis in Richmond, Virginia.
  • Henry Allan Poe Dies

    Edgar's older brother, Henry dies from tuberculosis or cholera at twenty-seven years old.
  • Virginia Clemm Poe Dies

    On January 30th, 1847, Virginia Clemm Poe, Edgar's beloved wife, passes away from tuberculosis, the same disease his mother died from. She also died at the same age that his mother did.
  • The California Gold Rush Begins!

    The California Gold Rush begins on January 24th, 1848, where everyone frantically searched for gold to help support their familes and homes.
  • Poe is found half concious

    Edgar Allan Poe is found half concious and is taken to the Hosptial.
  • Edgar Allan Poe Dies

    Poe passed away on October 7th, 1849 at Washington University Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. He was found unconcious in a gutter. He is now buried in the Westmister Burying Ground at the Winchester Presbyterian Church, Baltimore. Although the cause of Poe's death is unknown, some believe he died because of possibly rabies, overdosing on alcholol or he killed himself.