Ashleigh Seay 6th Period

By sea5331
  • Period: Jan 1, 1560 to


    A timeline of Shakespeare's lifetime.
  • Apr 23, 1564

    Shakespeare Born

    Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564 in Stratford-on Avon. He was the third of eight children born to John Shakespeare, the mayor of Stratford, and Mary Arden. He went to Stratford Grammar School and studied Latin until he was fifteen years old.
  • Shakespeare marries

    At the age of eighteen, Shakespear married Anne Hathaway, a woman eight years older than him.
  • First Daughter Born

    Six months after Shakespeare's marriage, their first daughter was born in May of 1583, leading to the belief that Shakespeare and Anne were married out of wedlock.
  • The Lost Years

    1585-1592. Not much is known about Shakespeare's wherabouts during this time period. Speculation was that he was travelling abroad, or fighting. It is also thought that he might have been hiding because he illegally killed a deer, which was punishable by death.
  • Twins are born

    In February of 1585, Anne has twins by the names of Hamnet and Judith.
  • Shakespeare known

    The Lost Years end. By this time Shakespeare is a well known actor and playwrite
  • Lord Chamberlain's Men

    Shakespeare joins a reperatory company called 'Lord Chamberlain's Men'
  • Hamnet dies

    Shakespeare's son, Hamnet, dies by plague.
  • Globe Theater

    Lord Chamberlain's Men, the reperatory company that Shakespeare joined in 1594, build a large open theater called the Globe Theater
  • Queen dies

    Queen Elizabeth I dies and King James I takes the throne and Lord Chamberlain's Men change their name to 'The King's Men'.
  • Suzanna marries

    Suzanna, Shakespeare's eldest daughter, marries.
  • Blackfriars

    The King's Men lease a closed roof theater called Blackfriars.
  • Retirement

    Shakespeare retires to 'New Place'
  • Globe Theater burns

    Globe Theater burns down due to cannon fire.
  • Globe rebuilt

    The Globe Theater is rebuilt.
  • Shakespeare dies

    Shakespeare dies on his birthday due to eating a contaminated pickled herring