In 1972, Stephen A. McNallen founded a group known as the Viking Brotherhood. -
Asatru Free Assembly
Two years later in 1974, the name was changed to the Asatru Free Assembly. -
In 1986 the group split off into two other organizations known as the "folkish" Ásatrú Alliance, and the "universalist" Troth. This was due to debate over polygamous relationships within the religion. -
End of Asatru Free Assembly
in 1986, the Asatru Free Assembly due to burnout. It was also due to polygamous relationships and while denied, racial politics. The members of the religion also did not want to have to pay for their work. -
Folk Assembly Founding
in 1995, the Asatru Folk Assembly was officially founded. It is also known as the "New AFA" -
California Land
In 1999, the AFA tried to buy land in North California to make a religious community. They promised to donate land to the supporters, but never did. -
Kennewick Man
In the late 90s, the group got in a fight after touching the ancient remains of the "Kennewick Man" claiming it was their ancestor. -
Facebook Group
After almost 20 years with little notable activity, their facebook group was removed for white supremacy and hate speech. -
National Guard Members
In 2019, 2 members of the national guard resigned due to ties with another white supremacy group called Ravensblood Kindred, which was linked closely to the AFA. -
Members Arrest
In August 2024, Zachary Babitz who is a member of the AFA was arrested for Murder, Robbery, and car jacking among other crimes.