Page 260- Page 350
On their way back from the food truck expedition, Jack decides to leave to go and collect his household belongings, and return to the museum later. Bam and Ed come along on this dangerous quest. The same day they leave, they encounter a massive pile of dead bodies, and some zombies. They barely make it out alive, as Jack was shot accidentallyb by Bam in an act of defense. Later, Bam is murdered, and Jack dies from bloodloss right when he gets home, leaving Ed to himself. Pages Read- 90;Total- 90 -
Page 350- Page 440
Ed is comfronted by multiple zombies on his attempt to return home, armed only with his brain and a small handgun. He dives through allies and rooftops, and stays incognito for days until he is rescued by a group of organized boys from the opposite side of London, they help him over to the museum, where many children are fearful and things are getting out of hand. Pages Read- 90; Total-180 -
Page 440- Page 485 (end)
David, the leader of Ed's rescuers, decides to embark on a journey to north London. The bus children join, and the original inhabitants of museum stay behind. On their quest, more than half are killed, and the rest go missing except for Ed and Courtney. They position in the Tower of London, sad but content of their new location, and very wary of the events to come. Pages Read- 45 Total- 225