Historical moments of robotics

  • 1961: Unimate

    1961: Unimate
    The first industrial robot, Unimate, is installed on a General Motors assembly line, marking a significant milestone in industrial automation.
  • 1966: Shakey the Robot

    1966: Shakey the Robot
    Developed by SRI International, Shakey is one of the first robots to use artificial intelligence to make decisions and navigate its environment.
  • 1986: ASIMO

    1986: ASIMO
    Honda begins development of ASIMO, one of the most advanced humanoid robots, showcasing significant advancements in mobility and human-like interaction.
  • 1997: Deep Blue vs. Garry Kasparov

    1997: Deep Blue vs. Garry Kasparov
    IBM’s Deep Blue defeats world chess champion Garry Kasparov, demonstrating the potential of AI in problem-solving.
  • 2000: Robot-assisted Surgery

    2000: Robot-assisted Surgery
    The first robotic surgery system, the da Vinci Surgical System, is approved by the FDA, revolutionizing minimally invasive surgery.
  • 2002: Roomba

    2002: Roomba
    iRobot introduces the Roomba, a robotic vacuum cleaner that becomes popular for its practical application in home automation.
  • 2010: FIRST Robotics

    2010: FIRST Robotics
    The first public demonstration of autonomous robots developed by the FIRST Robotics Competition teams, illustrating the growing educational focus on robotics.
  • 2020: AI and Robotics Integration

    2020: AI and Robotics Integration
    Robots like SoftBank's Pepper and various AI-driven robots begin to integrate more advanced machine learning and natural language processing capabilities, enhancing their ability to interact with humans.
  • 2024: Latest Innovations

    2024: Latest Innovations
    Continued advancements in robotics include more sophisticated autonomous systems, improved human-robot interaction, and enhanced AI-driven capabilities in various industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, and service.