Artistics Movements In Spain

  • The arrival of Charles III to the throne of Spain

  • Period: to


  • Period: to

    Beginning of Neoclassicism in Spanish architecture

  • The architect Juan de Villanueva

  • Foundation of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando in Madrid

  • Start of construction of the El Escorial Palace

  • Inauguration of the Alcalá Gate

  • Development of Neoclassicism in painting and sculpture

  • Period: to

    Spanish War of Independence

  • Inauguration of the Prado Museum

  • Period: to

    Decline of Neoclassicism

  • Period: to


  • Death of Fernando VII

  • Premiere of "Don Álvaro or the force of fate"

  • Publication of "Poems"

  • Premiere of "Don Juan Tenorio"

  • Publication of the "Rhymes"

  • La Gloriosa

  • Period: to


  • Publication of "Pepita Jiménez"

  • Period: to


  • Beginning of Benito Pérez Galdó's literary career

  • First exhibition of the Impressionists in Paris.

  • Publication of "La Regenta"

  • Exhibition of Darío de Regoyos in Bilbao.

  • Publication of "Fortunata and Jacinta"

  • Paris Universal Exhibition

  • Period: to


  • Publication of "Azul..."

  • Spanish-American War and loss of the last Spanish colonies

  • Joaquín Sorolla exhibition in Paris.

  • Generation of '98.

  • Publication of "Sonatas"

  • Exhibition of Pablo Picasso and his blue period