A third of the world was embracing Communism. The US dealt with cultural changes, and challenges from Cuba, Maoist China, and North Vietnam. -
The US trying to defeat Vietnam, and suffered many challenges because of it. Such as, military and economic decline, energy crisis,and foreign competition creating a loss in industry. -
The sense of American pre-eminence had faded. Countries saved more, invested more, worker harder, and produced more. More than half of all marriages ended in divorce. Much violence was occuring, Rates of drug use, teen pregnancy, and suicide had increased. Howevr thispos cold war boom faded to level economic issues. -
Persian Gulf Invaded
80,000 Iraqi toops invaded, a small, oil-rich emirate on the Persian Gulf called Kuwait. This was the first major international crisis of the Post Cold War era. Saddam Hussein, Iraq's leader, accused Kuwait of internationally depressing world oil prices. -
President Bush's Respondce
Bush's Administration dispatched 180,000 troops to protect near the Saudi Kingdom. He also organized an international coalition against Iraq. Bush got Turkey and Syria to cut off oil pipelines. He won the support of The Soviets for an arms embargo. Lastly, he protected Saudi Arabia with a multi-national army. -
Dramatic Turn
President Bush doubled the sizes of the troops in the Persian Gulf. The United Nations was contacted to discuss a resolution permitting force on Iraq, if they did not withdraw by January 15,1991. Congress also permitted authority to rage war. -
Ending of the Persian Gulf War
President Bush had bombed Kuwait. He had troops destroy thousands of Iraqi tanks, supplies, communication devices, and command-and-control. The US tricked Iraq by having 300,000 trrops move to western Iraq, instead of the border of Kuwait, ending the war. -
Bill Clinton Won
Arkansas Governor Bill Clintondefeated George Bush and Ross Petrot, to become the first democraric president in 12 years. Clinton obtained 43 percent of the vote. -
Mid Term Elections of 1994
Repulicans won control of both houses in Congress. They called for welfare reform,term limits for political office holders,a moratorium for evironmental, health, and safety regulations, and a Constitutional Amendment requiring a balanced budget. -
Articles of Impeachment
The House Judiciary Committee appproved four articles of impeachment. These articles said Clinton had committed perjury,obstructed justice, and abused power. Later, the House of Representatives approved two more articles. This made Clinton the second president to face an impeachment trial in the Senate. -
21st Century
The United States was without a doubt the strongest, wealthiest, most powerful nation on earth.Its greatest rival, the Sovuet Union, has distinguished.