Arthurian Timeline

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    Uther Meets Merlin According to how the legend goes, Merlin had advised Uther's brother Aurelius Ambrosius. And so by extension Merlin had met Uther in his days of advising Ambrosius
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    Why Merlin is Important to Arthurian Myth

    The reason as to why Merlin is so important to the myth of King Arthur is that he helped get Uther into power, helped him to get with Igraine which led to the birth of Arthur, kept Arthur safe and mentored him and helped him gain the throne of England. So all in all Merlin is important since he's a driving factor in regards to so much of what happens in the story
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    Uther Pendragon Becomes King

    Uther Pendragon Becomes King Following the death of his brother Ambrosius (who got the throne from killing their father) from poisoning. Uther ascends to the throne becoming the king of England, having been told about his brother's death by Merlin the night a comet with a dragon shaped tail passed. The dragon becoming a symbol of Uther's rule.
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    Unter Goes To War With Goloris Duke of Cornwall

    Unter Goes To War With Goloris Duke of Cornwall
    After meeting and falling for the lady Igraine, Unter ends up going to war with Gorlois over the matter. But no matter what Gorlois thought, Unter was going to get with his wife like it or not.
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    Merlin Disguises Unter

    Merlin Disguises Unter
    Unter eventually comes to Merlin for help with getting in bed with Igraine, so Merlin uses a spell to disguise Unter as Gorlois so that he can finally do what he was wanting to do so badly he fought a war over it. What a hero am I right?
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    Arthur Is Born

    Arthur Is Born
    After Unter played the game of war for the wife with Goloris and won, Igraine eventually gave birth to a son. This son who was named Arthur, (This date is one of the possible years when Arthur was born)
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    Arthur Is Sent Away by Uther

    Arthur Is Sent Away by Uther
    It was a dangerous time at the castle of Tintagel, and so Uther gave his baby son Arthur to Merlin. Trusting him with keeping his son safe, which was good since not long after Uther died from being poisoned by Saxons.
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    Arthur Pulls the Sword from the Stone

    Arthur Pulls the Sword from the Stone
    After having been raised in secrecy by a foster family, Arthur who had gone with his foster brother Kay to London for a tourney had lost Kay's sword. By accident he pulled the sword in the stone, signifying that he would be king of England due to this feat. Because whoever pulled the sword from the stone would become the king of England
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    Arthur Finds Excalibur

    Arthur Finds Excalibur
    Arthur having been crowned king of England had a major dilemma on his hands, eleven of the local kings did not recognize Arthur as the king of England and began to rebel against his rule. Merlin having been Arthur's aid in ruling, brought him to a lake where Arthur had been given the sword Excalibur by the Lady of the Lake.
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    Arthur's Twelve Battles

    Arthur's Twelve Battles
    After gaining the sword Excalibur from the Lady of the Lake: he went on to fight in his Twelve Battles, these are the battles that gave way to the view of Arthur being invincible.
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    Arthur Marries Guinevere

    Arthur Marries Guinevere
    Having fought and brought the eleven rebelling kings to surrender and see him as king, Arthur later met and fell in love with a princess named Guinevere. The two eventually became married, Arthur's now father-in-law and Guinevere's father gave a round table
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    Arthur Forms the Knights of the Round Table

    Arthur Forms the Knights of the Round Table With being given the round table by Guinevere's father: Arthur formed the Knights of the Round Table. These knights consisted of: Sir Lancelot, Sir Gawain, Sir Percival, Sir Bors and more. The reason why the round table is used, is so to signify that each of the knights all have equal say: no one knight is more superior to the other because of where they sit at the table